Tag Archives: should

Should I try out for the cheerleading squad next year?

Question by Chocolate for The Soul: Should I try out for the cheerleading squad next year?
I can do the motions, cartwheels, round-offs, and the cheers.
I’m working on my flips and handsprings.
Some girls say I should because I’m good, but some of the boys are mean about it and say “You have to look good to be in cheerleading.” I really want to. What do u think?
I’m pretty close to doing the splits too.
I’m pretty close to doing the splits too.

Best answer:

Answer by jordan98
If you really want to go for it, you only live once don’t let other people hold you back from your dreams, you’ll regret it later.

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Q&A: i want to be a cheerleader but i cant do the splits or a cartwheel. wat should i do?

by Welfl

Question by Mackenzie: i want to be a cheerleader but i cant do the splits or a cartwheel. wat should i do?
im going into grade 8 having no experience in cheer leading. i was watching a show and it looked really fun but i don’t know wat to do when it comes to tryouts.

Best answer:

Answer by !braay:)
spilts are for drill team, mostly.
for cheer you sould learn the chants & cheers
and be able to (atleast) know how to do a cartwheel,
and have your flipflop. try taking a tumbling class.

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Should I be a ware wolf or a high school musical cheerleader?

by Welfl

Question by MANUEL P: Should I be a ware wolf or a high school musical cheerleader?
Iam a mannys little girl. I have a ware wolf costume and a high school musical cheerleader costume. Which one can I be??

Best answer:

Answer by Ana W
If u r younger then 11 then wear the cheerleding outfit but if u r older then that then that is a stupid idea. But i tsay ware wolf. Or u can be a cheerleader but dont be a High school musical one. Especially if ur in high school then dont be that.

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Q&A: How should I convince my little sister into doing cheerleading or dance?

Question by Ashley M: How should I convince my little sister into doing cheerleading or dance?
She’s 9 years old and she doesn’t really do anything active. All she does all day is play with her toys, watch TV, and go on the computer. The only active thing she does is go outside and swing on a swing with the other little kids and boss them around.

Best answer:

Answer by maliboo_girl
Swinging is actually very good for stress. = ) And it sounds like she’s a leader, bossing the other kids around. Maybe you can start her on cheer, do it with her, teach the other kids too, and have her be the captain and she can boss them around in a more useful way. Then once she sees she likes it, she may want to take a class or participate on a team. The key is you asking her to do it with you. Keep asking until she says yes, bribe her if you need to.

That’s nice that you care so much about your sister!

Good luck!

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What should I do if I want to join cheerleading but dont want to wear a female cheer outfit?

Question by Kelley: What should I do if I want to join cheerleading but dont want to wear a female cheer outfit?
I’m a tomboy, but I haven’t always been. I used to be a cheerleader and want to join again. But the team I want to join im not sure if they’ll let me wear a male uniform. What should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Make an appointment with the cheer coach(s) and talk to them. Depending on how they are they may or may not allow it. 🙂 good luck!!

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WHAT DO YOU THINK A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader SHOULD HAVE?

Question by SaMmIe..:): WHAT DO YOU THINK A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader SHOULD HAVE?
Im going to be trying out for the dallas cowboy cheerleaders NEXT YEAR..and would like to know what you like to see in a cheerleader.. and what you dont want to see..what makes them standout…stuff like that..thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by India J
well they look for prettiness & stuff like that .

nice attitude and you HAVE TO make sure you know your dallas cowboy history .

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Q&A: What type of cheerleading chant should i teach 6 year old girls?

Question by cheerchick3: What type of cheerleading chant should i teach 6 year old girls?
I am supposed to make up a chant for 1st graders and i am wondering what would be good? It has to be very simple beacause it is their first time cheering. Thanks in advance! 😀

Best answer:

a-t-t-a-c-k attack attack attack

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Should I do Dance 1 or be a cheerleader?

Question by HI!!: Should I do Dance 1 or be a cheerleader?
I dont know how to do any flips, and kinda afraid to do them

But on the other hand, it was hard for me to remember dance steps.

I have done cheerleading and dance before…..

Best answer:

Answer by Kristina
i’d say cheerleadingg. i can’t do any flips either but that shuldnt matter, just be loud, stay stiff and always smile! =]

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