Tag Archives: loose

How do i loose wait and become a cheerleader in 2 months?

Question by tasha: How do i loose wait and become a cheerleader in 2 months?
I am 4’11” and i weight 155 pounds.

Best answer:

Answer by Kelsey K
Moderate your eating habits, and if you have a problem with eating too much, bring vegetables and fruits into the mix, and lose everything else.
Also, exersise. Not a lot, but just about 15 – 30 mins every night.

Good Luck and hope this helps

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what are some workouts that i can do to be a cheerleader and loose weight for summer?

Question by danielle l: what are some workouts that i can do to be a cheerleader and loose weight for summer?
so im in 8th grade and i wanna be a cheerleader in high school. so 2 more years. and i want to get in shape now so it wont be as hard when the time comes. and i wanna to be skinny for summer. im like 5’8 and i weigh 143 pounds. but my belly has some fat and my thighs are chunky too. will someone help?

Best answer:

Answer by Age of Orton resumes at Backlash
Lots of cardio. Running, jogging, swimming. Since cheerleaders use their legs, try doing Squats, Lunges, and Calf Raises with light weight. That will help you get toned alot!

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