How do i loose wait and become a cheerleader in 2 months?

Question by tasha: How do i loose wait and become a cheerleader in 2 months?
I am 4’11” and i weight 155 pounds.

Best answer:

Answer by Kelsey K
Moderate your eating habits, and if you have a problem with eating too much, bring vegetables and fruits into the mix, and lose everything else.
Also, exersise. Not a lot, but just about 15 – 30 mins every night.

Good Luck and hope this helps

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11 thoughts on “How do i loose wait and become a cheerleader in 2 months?

  1. cheerleader21

    u dont have 2 b skinny 2 become a cheerleader
    and if u want 2 loose weight then try out for cheerleading and u will exercise alot and loose weight trust me i did

  2. Sunshine79

    I am not sure how much weight you need to lose but it is doubtful you could lose enough in 2 months. I think it would be better for you to begin a good program of diet and exercise and be ready for next year. It is a win-win situation that way because you will much healthier.

    Hang in there,and if you do not lose the weight this time, please do not get discouraged, just be more determined for next time.

  3. Wishey

    at 4’11 and 155 that is quite a bit of weight
    I am also 4’11 and have been this weight when pregnant, I know that after the kids it took a lot longer than 2 months to lose the weight- at 4’11 your ideal weight falls between 95 lbs to 114- not saying that you have to be there
    I am not sure what goal weight you want, but it is not healthy to crash diet
    cut out all soda, limit fat intake, exercise and eat properly- do not skip meals. You could lose upwards of 10-20 pounds by 2 months

  4. higueramark

    See your doctor about the weight.
    Becoming a cheereader is up to whoever selects the cheerleaders at your school!

  5. rahul j

    Dont go on dieting.Instead try to include more of fruits n vegetables and cut down on carbohydrates.dont take too much sometimes leads to weight gains.jus eat right and have a positive mental attitude

  6. ♥babycakes

    invest in a jump rope
    not only will this help you lose weight & keep you in shape but it helps your balance & such things which are necessary in cheerleading

    *jump for about 30 minutes daily

  7. C M

    “Loose wait” and “i weight”???? Really??? Sounds like you need to concentrate on your classes instead. Besides, if you are not in shape already, you probably are not going to make it to cheerleaders. Usually, those girls are in gymnastics for years and live to dance. It is not something that can be learned in 2 months.

  8. tman

    Keep in mind when dieting that every
    3,000 calories = a pound , so if you now take in 3,000 calories a day cutting that in half you would lose a pound every 2 days . The same holds true in reverse if you are trying to add on pounds . Also keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat tissue . On a 1500 calorie a day diet you may lose 30 pounds in 2 months if your used too eating double that amount daily. This should give you an easier perspective on losing the weight .

  9. Ally S

    When I went to boarding school I was very thin, when I went back home, I was about 10 pounds heavier. all throughout high school I had a little chub on me, but I was definitely not fat, just not very skinny. I’ve always HATED working out and running and anything that will help you lose weight. Since November 2007, I’ve been going to the gym about 3-4 times a week. For four weeks I did about 60 minutes of just cardio. Then after those four weeks for two weeks I did 40 minutes of cardio and some time on the rowing machine. Now, I do 30 minute cardio (on the cross country trainer/stepper), intense upper ab exercises and I just started my lower ab exercises. Also, i’ve began to use machines that work out the muscles in your legs, to tone.

    If you hate working out, the first few days/weeks will be hard no doubt. But once you get past them I guarantee you will get used to it, and your body will be able to handle it. You really really have to push yourself. Losing weight seems easier than it is. But that extra day, even an extra 20 minutes, at the gym counts.

    Also, with exercise, I went on a diet. I normally never ate fruit before. I would eat only carbs such as pasta, potatoes, bread etc. Right before I started all this, I was a vegetarian so I could not even try to fill up on protein (which is great when you’re trying to lose weight, dont fill up on carbs). So to say the least, I did not eat healthy at all. Once I started working out and becoming very motivated, I started dieting. My daily diet may not sound like a lot, but I can assure you I am not anorexic. I know that this diet is actually not the healthiest but I have lost weight very fast with my exercise and this type of diet. When you start of,f I recommend that you eat more than what I’ve written, and then progressively eliminate items such as potatoes etc.

    Average Diet:

    Breakfast – one bowl of oatmeal, apple, milk

    Lunch – Apple, Pineapple slices, watermelon slices, carrot sticks, water

    Dinner- Tangerine, Apple, Vegetable soup, fish (or chicken/turkey), water

    Also, remember to continuously drink lots of water throughout the day, it will definitely help you in the process. As far as snacking throughout the day, its a must. Most people think that just eating the typical three meals a day and nothing else will help them achieve their weight goals. It is actually the opposite. You should have light meals and continuously snack on healthy, low carb, low fat foods such as fruit. I usually have a few oranges/apples throughout the day. Also, a mistake that people tend to make is once they achieve their weight goal, they stop dieting/working out and then they often gain at least half the weight, if not more, back. So once you’ve lost the weight, obviously your work outs and dieting will not have to be as extreme, but it is important to keep on going. Your diet does not have to last forever, just be aware of what you eat and when you eat (i.e.-no pizza at 1 in the morning).

    The effect of my diet/exercise routine:

    November 2007~
    Height- 5’1
    Weight-113 lb.

    January 2008 (present)

    12 pounds in two months. I would say my method was quite successful. Wouldn’t you? Give it a try. If you just stay motivated, it will work. Stick to the guidelines and having “just one slice of cake” can effect the routine. You can do it. I thought I couldn’t and here I am.

    P.S. – eating nothing will make your body go into starvation made, and maintain even the smallest amounts of food that you do eat, causing you to gain the weight back again when you start eating regularly.

  10. Jamal

    Don’t change for anyone, or thing
    Just be yourself and be happy.
    Don’t worry about your weight, Don’t worry about the size of your breasts, don’t worry about how you are compared to the other girls. YOU have the potential to do anything, and nobody, NOBODY, can change that.

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