Tag Archives: shoes

What are some really cute cheerleading shoes for my high school cheerleading squad?

Question by Rissa: What are some really cute cheerleading shoes for my high school cheerleading squad?
I need to find some really cute cheer shoes for my cheerleading squad and I heard about nike checks but I can’t find them. I don’t think that “nike checks” is the real name for them but they are really popular among the other schools. Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by preppygrl07
dont follow the crowd hun

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Q&A: How do you get permanent marker off of cheerleading shoes?

Question by Marjorie W: How do you get permanent marker off of cheerleading shoes?
there old cheerleading shoes so I don’t need them or anything but I wanna start wearing them again but I let my friends sign my shoes but I didn’t realize they were using permanent marker….. I tried using nail polish but there is still alot left and the marker is on the fabric above your toes and I’m not sure I’ll be able to get it off.

Best answer:

Answer by Avi
You tried using nail polish? Like to cover it up?

The only way I have been able to get permanent marker off of something that isn’t my hands is by using nail polish remover.

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What are the best shoes for cheerleading?

Question by сheerleadingCOWGALL<3sKennyChesney: What are the best shoes for cheerleading?
im trying out for cheerleading so i need some white tennis shoes. i have size 9-10 m size foot. which would be the best shoes? please include store to buy them at and a picture. thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by tayyyyyx3
omgg nfinity

all of them workk perfect!

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Q&A: How can i change da colors of the stars of the cheerleading shoes?

Question by Genesis: How can i change da colors of the stars of the cheerleading shoes?
You know how converse has dose cheerleading shoes dat has stars on the sides and you can change da color to dem??? well my coach told me 2 change them but i dont really know how !! if u do can u please tell me!!

Best answer:

Answer by Redhead Shelb
color them a different color with a marker..fabric marker..

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how come my cheerleading shoes dont work?

Question by dogs rule!: how come my cheerleading shoes dont work?
i got kaepa jump cheerleading shoes and they fit, but when i do roundoffs, or anything like that, it hurts my toes. please tell me why!

Best answer:

Answer by lilrach
you probably jam your toes to the front of your shoe when you tumble or jump which means you are landing right on your toes instead of the front of your foot so that might be why

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What kind of shoes should i wear to cheerleading tryouts?

Question by grete: What kind of shoes should i wear to cheerleading tryouts?
We’re not allowed to wear cheerleading shoes to tryouts, so what kind should i get? My school colors are yellow & green, so preferably in those colors, but black or white are fine.

Best answer:

Answer by Sb T
A good comfortable pair of running shoes. They come in all colors and styles.

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How do you change the color cards on nfinity cheerleading shoes?

Question by Dana S: How do you change the color cards on nfinity cheerleading shoes?
I just got the nfinity tiger cheerleading shoes for this coming season and i can’t figure out how to change the color card to my schools colors. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by .G.
pull it out the slot in the top..like ots prolly just on the inside

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Q&A: the difference between cheerleading shoes and regular shoes?

Question by F68345: the difference between cheerleading shoes and regular shoes?
Whats the difference between cheerleading shoes and regular shoes? and what non cheerleading shoes would be best to wear instead of the actual cheerleading shoes?

Best answer:

Answer by pnkfreak123
the best shoes to wear if you dont want cheer shoes would be any plain white nike’s with little to no bumps and grooves on the bottom. it makes it easier for stunting and jumping.

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