Tag Archives: Colors

Q&A: Im a cheerleader and our uniform colors are blue and white.What color make up will go well with blue and white?

Question by Michele Leona: Im a cheerleader and our uniform colors are blue and white.What color make up will go well with blue and white?
I have an olive/tan skin complexion

Best answer:

Answer by ladie
Blue eye shadow, white or a light pink. Maybe a pinkish lip gloss. 🙂

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Q&A: How can i change da colors of the stars of the cheerleading shoes?

Question by Genesis: How can i change da colors of the stars of the cheerleading shoes?
You know how converse has dose cheerleading shoes dat has stars on the sides and you can change da color to dem??? well my coach told me 2 change them but i dont really know how !! if u do can u please tell me!!

Best answer:

Answer by Redhead Shelb
color them a different color with a marker..fabric marker..

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