Tag Archives: examples

Q&A: I have to write an essay about tragedies of basketball towards cheerleading and need some examples?

Question by shawnmp93: I have to write an essay about tragedies of basketball towards cheerleading and need some examples?
I need some examples of tragedies in cheerleading and basket. Like people getting seriously hurt or getting killed.

Best answer:

Answer by Takerfan4life!
well cheerleaders(im one) that do really big stunts can fall n become paralized….we’ve nevr dropped a girl in my squad but we also do basic stunts so….anyway go on youtube n look up cheerleading accidents…u’ll find something….as for bball…once i was cheerin a game n someone fell n got trampled n had to go the hospital…so maybe somethin like that mite have happend in bigger games…agian look on youtube.

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Q&A: What are some examples of cheerleading routines can we do in a parade?

Question by Da1Nonly: What are some examples of cheerleading routines can we do in a parade?
I am a first time cheerleading coach and we have some parades coming up soon. We have to do routines and stuff in the parade. Any ideas? The squad has 24 people in it and most are aged 11 to 14.

Best answer:

Answer by ilovecheer
simple cheers in halves or fulls. you don’t want anything thing to fall. so keep it simple, you’re in front of a crowd

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