Q&A: Can anyone tell me how to get my heel stretch and my scoripon in cheerleading?

Question by Melany: Can anyone tell me how to get my heel stretch and my scoripon in cheerleading?
I am kinda new to cheerleading and i was chosen as a flyer and i have no clue how to do a heel stretch or a scorpion. So are there any stretch tecniques or ANYTHING? i can do to improve my flexibility and balance up in an extension stunt for cheerleading??? Im nervous and i need to learn quick.

Best answer:

Answer by cute_but_dumb
the main thing it just to stretch. do splits and once you can go all the way down try sticking a pillow or mat under your back foot. when that gets easy add more pillows or get a thicker mat. stretch your back a lot by doing bridges and walking your hands as close to your feet as possible. for balance they make a thing where its flat on one side and half a ball on the other. get one and try to stand on one foot balanced in a heelstretch or scorpion. keep your head up and bring your leg to you to maintain balanced better. lock your leg out so your knee is straight for better balance. remember to stretch like crazy. good luck.

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2 thoughts on “Q&A: Can anyone tell me how to get my heel stretch and my scoripon in cheerleading?

  1. =]

    first of all, congratulations on being a flyer! its fun :]

    you must stretch every day. to make it more fun, do it while your listening to your ipod, watching TV, etc. also, make sure you hold each stretch for at least 20 secondds, your splits at least 30.

    for your heel stretch, sit in a straddle and lean forward. you can also touch your toes and lean forward while in your splits.
    that video ^^^ is really boring haha, but jsut scroll through it… she does some really good stretches that i can’t explain. also, to help get your splits down put your front foot on books, pillows, etc. to lift it off the ground then do your splits.

    for your scorpion, you need back flexibility too.
    try bridges and work your hands to get them as close to your knees as possible. also, you can lie on your stomach and lift your chest up.

    for doing the actual stunts, these are really good to watch:

    also check out cheerwiz.com!!

    good luck :]

  2. S R


    believe me, your bases will love you. It’s so much easier to base a flyer that doesn’t have their own struggle going on in the air. Splits are good, and is having someone push your leg to your chest for stretches and back for scorps. HOWEVER, there are two common mistakes girls make when stretching for a heel stretch.
    1. In your split, be sure that the leg you will be standing has the knee completely facing the ground. And when someone is pushing your leg to your chest, the toe of the foot you will be standing on should be pointing straight forward. A lot of flyers make the mistake of turning their bottom foot outward, which stretches completely different muscles.
    2. While pressure stretching such as splits and a stretching aid are great for gaining initial flexibility, its important to practice both your heelstretch and scorpion on your own as you would pull them in the air. You should be able to pull your leg up on your own without using your body weight or someone else to keep it there.

    Good luck! And don’t forget to stay tight! Its hard to base a spaghetti noodle!

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