What are the best stretches to get your toe touch better in cheerleading?

Question by clb b: What are the best stretches to get your toe touch better in cheerleading?
Me and my friend are trying to get our toe touch better in cheerleading, but we don’t know the best stretches for it. Help us? 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by 9milemom
Do you have your splits? That would be a big help. Both sides and middle. Another thing the girls do is lay on your back, lift one leg up and have your friend push leg that’s up in the air, toward your face. No bending knees. Push until you feel the stretch. then take a few deep breaths and have them push a little farther. Do the other leg

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 thoughts on “What are the best stretches to get your toe touch better in cheerleading?

  1. Elise

    Well what you do is when you go down to touch your toes, you quickly come back up and do it again. That will stretch your back and make it easier to touch your toes next time.

  2. beachbum4eva21

    One way is to stretch a lot do your straddle a lot and stretch your hamstrings(back thighs). Also for some exercises that will help your toe touch.

    Exercises 1
    Sit in your straddle and make sure your knees are pointing up and you point your toes. Put your right hand in front of you and your left behind and lift your right leg and rotate in a circle outwards 10 times. Then switch hands and repeat with your left leg 10 times. This is gona HURT but it will help you get those hyper extended toe touches. Also if rotating in a circle is to hard try just going up and down.

    Excersice 2:
    Stand up and have your arms out in a T position kick one leg up like your doing a toe touch and snap it back down. Do 10 on each side, try to keep your body stil and just move your legs. This will help with when your ending your toe touch to land with your feet together.

    I hope this helps you! 🙂


    get into a straddle on the ground! hold it for 1 MINUTE and then hold and reach each leg for 30 about seconds including the middle. do lunges. and SPLITS! practice them! (:

  4. B.E.L.L.A

    V-Ups! They are the best way to loosen up you’re muscles for your toe touches.

    Another thing you could do is sit on the floor with your legs spread as far as you can while you are touching your toes. Then have your friend go behind you and grab your feet. She will probably have to lean on your back and it will be easier if she is on her knees. After she grabs your feet have her pull them up off the ground as far as you can go. Hold for a couple seconds and repeat.
    It sounds weird but it works really well!

    Kicks will also help.

    There are also drills you can find online. Just do a search for “cheerleading drills” These also work really well for improving your jumps.

    🙂 good luck.

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