Tag Archives: wanting

Q&A: 16 year old boy wanting to be first male cheerleader at his highschool what do you think?

Question by Joshy: 16 year old boy wanting to be first male cheerleader at his highschool what do you think?
I am not gay but metro sexual ( a boy who acts girls and on the edge of homosexual but still likes girls. when i was little i did gymnastics for 3 years and a year of dance. i am 6 foot 1 and i can bench 190 and i also sword fight so ive got some good muscles.

Best answer:

Answer by I suck but so do you.
you like clay aiken?

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16 year old boy wanting to be first male cheerleader at his highschool what do you think?

Question by Joshy: 16 year old boy wanting to be first male cheerleader at his highschool what do you think?
I am not gay but metro sexual ( a boy who acts girls and on the edge of homosexual but still likes girls. when i was little i did gymnastics for 3 years and a year of dance. i am 6 foot 1 and i can bench 190 and i also sword fight so ive got some good muscles.

Best answer:

Answer by Liz
I thank you should do it.

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Q&A: What are some good cheerleading tips if your wanting to make the Varsity cheer squad when a freshman?

Question by xhammiexloverx: What are some good cheerleading tips if your wanting to make the Varsity cheer squad when a freshman?
ok…..if there are any cheerleading coaches, ex cheerleading coaches, or cheerleaders out there i need help. I have been cheering for a while now and i want to make the varsity cheer squad when im a freshman. I know all the little things like smile and be flexible and being tight but if there are any things that are tiny things or even big things that will help me have a chance to make the squad thank you alot. i really appreciate it!!

Best answer:

Answer by Chiara G
heyy girl im an allstar and high school cheerleader. i made varsity this year as a freshman and its the best experience ever!! so i know how badly you want to make the team.

i cant really type everything out now i gg but ill post al my tips and tricks and stuff to help you make derrr team later

good luck!!!! = ]

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