Tag Archives: such

What are ways to get good cheerleading jumps such as a herkie and a toe touch?

Question by Gigglesgrl724: What are ways to get good cheerleading jumps such as a herkie and a toe touch?
I am a cheerleader, but my jumps are horrible. Any tips on drills to improve them?

Best answer:

Answer by Jourdyn Nicole
Stretch A LOT. If your team practices anywhere where there’s a trampoline(or if you have one at your house, work them on the tramp. Or a springboard. Anything that can help you bounce basically.)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Why movies portrait cheerleader in such a mean way?

Question by Fuego: Why movies portrait cheerleader in such a mean way?
I grew up in Spain and never seen this before. In american movies, they show a group of popular cheerleaders passing by an unpopular girl and call her “freak” out of the blue. Is this for real? I know that there must be lots of cheerleaders and popular girls that are nice, the same that I know that bulling exist. But is this portrait any close to reality? Have you ever experience anything like this?

Best answer:

Answer by Jonathan
in public school(state sschools)yes

mine PLEEEEEASE:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091020074746AAK8Hiw

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