Tag Archives: Stunts

Does anyone know any really cool stunts for my cheerleading squad?

Question by Annaxcheerxfunsizex7: Does anyone know any really cool stunts for my cheerleading squad?
I am captain of my cheerleading squad! I am 8th grade and i really want my last year of middle school to leave off with a bang by winning our squad’s cheerleading competetion and in order to do that i need dangerous and extreme stunts that are off the hook! Please help me!

Best answer:

Answer by Tatrina
One little tip. Slow down and breathe.

First of all I encourage your school spirit and drive. BUT make sure the stunts you would like to do follow guidelines.
Rockets= No
Baskets= No

Well, maybe its only where I live but I know rockets are a no-go.
But here are some other cool things:
*Double twist cradles
*Extension cradles
*Twist-up show and go’s
*Scorpions and bow and arrow

Another one is what our squad calls “Fall backs” where your flyer falls back from say scorp or scale and is pushed back up by the bases and third into a bow & arrow or heel stretch.

And it’s really cool when a flyer tumbles from a rond-off backhandspring into the stunt.

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What are some basic cheerleading stunts i can do with some friends?

Question by ~♥_to_cheer~: What are some basic cheerleading stunts i can do with some friends?
im going to my friends this weekend (to practice some cheerleading) and theres going to be like 5 of us maybe. im usually the flyer because im the shortest and the lightest. nothing dangerous (tryouts are next week) or too hard please (were only in middle school) thanks a lot!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Victoria
Hi! try doing basic stunts like thigh stands. Don’t go past a prep especially if there isn’t a coach there with you. I would say that the most dangerous for u to do is a cradle. Make sure to have the basics….two bases one flyer one back and one spotter/front. As long as everyone has cheerleading experience i would say you would be fine. Good luck and have fun 🙂

edit: ok so i just saw on your other post that none of you are cheerleaders! DONT STUNT!! ok so maybe a thigh stand is ok…but nothing more it is extremely dangerous. Instead…stretch and practice jumps. practice cheering and having sharp movements. practice dancing. change of plans! lol 🙂

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What stunts should i practice for Varsity cheerleading?

Question by Reyna: What stunts should i practice for Varsity cheerleading?
I am in Junior Varsity Cheerleading at my highschool and our coach is thinking about moving some of us up. Which stunts should i practice/ learn(as a flyer), and should i go to tumbling classes? If anyone has a good cheerleading site with lots of tips that would be helpful, thx :).

Best answer:

Answer by zinha
try to do what you think you can do and you will move up. =)

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Q&A: What are some cheerleading stunts me and my friends can do?

Question by Sarah Johnson: What are some cheerleading stunts me and my friends can do?
Me and my neighbors love to do cheerleading stunts, but we cannot think of any new ones. We need easy ones because we have 2 fliers, a back, and a base. and one of the fliers bases. (but we are all really small so we cannot do extensions) if you know any easy ones with flips or something please let me know! videos would be great also!!!
all of us are on actual cheerleading teams. and the only base is 11 and the fliers are 14 and 15 so thats why we can’t do harder stunts.

Best answer:

Answer by Rachael R
youre gonna break your neck without someone watching you do it thats a professional.

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What cheerleading stunts are illegal for highschool?

Question by sharkbaittt: What cheerleading stunts are illegal for highschool?
ive just started cheerleading and im a back spot and i hate doing stunts, right now we’ve don’t half and fulls, full downs, baskets (pike and toe touch) libs (with transitions) and i just wanna know what else there is, like flipping in a basket, is that illegal?

Best answer:

Answer by 8D
depend what level you are becuse the are higher levels that can do more

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What are some good stretches for cheerleading stunts?

Question by Jhazzman: What are some good stretches for cheerleading stunts?
I tried out for cheerleading this year and I made it. I wasn’t able to do it and im not sure if the coach will try to get me to do it next year. I want to be ready and be able to do stunts and everything. What are some good daily stretches to get me prepared for the stunts and be able to do the splits?

Best answer:

Answer by MeggieTheMaggot
The more you stretch the more flexible you become I would know because I used to be a cheerleader at first I couldn’t do a split but I got better. Make sure you stretch every single day though so you won’t tense back up like I did.

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