Does anyone know any really cool stunts for my cheerleading squad?

Question by Annaxcheerxfunsizex7: Does anyone know any really cool stunts for my cheerleading squad?
I am captain of my cheerleading squad! I am 8th grade and i really want my last year of middle school to leave off with a bang by winning our squad’s cheerleading competetion and in order to do that i need dangerous and extreme stunts that are off the hook! Please help me!

Best answer:

Answer by Tatrina
One little tip. Slow down and breathe.

First of all I encourage your school spirit and drive. BUT make sure the stunts you would like to do follow guidelines.
Rockets= No
Baskets= No

Well, maybe its only where I live but I know rockets are a no-go.
But here are some other cool things:
*Double twist cradles
*Extension cradles
*Twist-up show and go’s
*Scorpions and bow and arrow

Another one is what our squad calls “Fall backs” where your flyer falls back from say scorp or scale and is pushed back up by the bases and third into a bow & arrow or heel stretch.

And it’s really cool when a flyer tumbles from a rond-off backhandspring into the stunt.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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