Tag Archives: SHAKES

Should a cheerleader drink protein shakes daily, or are they fattening? How should I workout daily?

Question by ♥Miss American Pie♥: Should a cheerleader drink protein shakes daily, or are they fattening? How should I workout daily?
I’m preparing myself for cheerleading again and I’m still slim (5’0, 86lbs) but I have absolutely no muscle, and I’m weak everything except for my legs. So are protein shakes good to drink before working out?
And what do I need to do to get back in shape and prepared?

Best answer:

Answer by Connor Mac
i would say protein shakes, in combination with a very healthy balanced diet, would help you achieve the figure your looking for. if you eat a low in fat meal before you work out, and a protein shake your body will burn the calories and fat quickly, and the protein will give you the rest of the energy needed to get through the workout.

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