Tag Archives: Matter

Is it just me or do the head cheerleader and the quaterback not matter anymore?

Question by Jessica: Is it just me or do the head cheerleader and the quaterback not matter anymore?
I mean i thought that if you played this role in highschool you were the most popular or whatever..

now it doesn’t seem like that matters. It’s like that in all the movies from a couple years ago.. so what changed? or was it never like that?

Best answer:

Answer by Cheez and Crackers
I so agree with you.. It doesn’t matter anymore.. all that racism sexict, and discrimation is gone.. that is nothing but stereotypical..

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Size Doesn’t Matter

115 lb. Samantha Turnbull can lift almost twice her body weight in the clean & jerk. After making the switch from cheerleading to weightlifting, she’s become an Olympic hopeful. For more info on Collegiate Nationals log onto www.thecollegiatenationals.com