Tag Archives: judges

Texas parents overrule judges to double size of school’s cheerleading squad – Yahoo! Sports (blog)

After comparing Colleyville’s standards, the school board eventually agreed with the parents and ousted cheerleaders, stepping in to overrule the original results of the tryouts and more than double the size of the incoming 2012-13 squad.
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What do the judges look for when you are trying out for cheerleading?

Question by alygal827: What do the judges look for when you are trying out for cheerleading?
I tried out for cheerleading last year and didnt make it and im gonna try again this year and i wanna know what the judges look for when im trying out. We usually have to do a toetouch, a opitinal jump, 2 chants, and a dance.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer
my coach gives us a sample of the score sheet so we know what were being scored on.Running and standing tumbling,Single and Double Jump,if your a flyer,then on what you pull in the air and how you dismount (on all these you scored on the difficulty of what you do and the execution it)voice,overall attitude,dance,facials,and synchronization.

Hoped this helped if you have anymore questions feel free to email me.

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Q&A: What do the judges look at when you try out for cheerleading?

Question by oh♥snap♥its♥cydni: What do the judges look at when you try out for cheerleading?
well i am a freshman going on a sophmore at highschool. i am trying out for cheerleading and this is kinda sumthing new for me! but i think i have the qualities to become a cheerleader because my tumbling is good…right now i have a backhandspring on the floor working on my tuck. also because anything that i cant do i am willing to try my hardest to work on it. i have tumbling classes twice a week for 3hrs. i am goin to work REALLY HARD!!! but tryouts are in about 2 weeks. so i have 2 weeks to work on wat i need. well now all that is said….wat do the judges look for in a cheerleader when you try out ???? like your tumbling, your jumps, orr whatttt? i would love for someone to reply back to my question. THANKS!

Best answer:

Answer by sobe-ryguy
we look for cheerfulness, smile, poise, flexibility, and i like to see the girls that are aware of the game they are cheering for so that they don’t do the wrong cheers…

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What do UCA cheerleading judges look for at competition?

Question by j1a9d9e3: What do UCA cheerleading judges look for at competition?
State for cheerleading is coming up and we want 1st place. What are the most important things that the judges look for?

Best answer:

Answer by Blondie <3
They are mainly looking at technique and the creativity of the routine. And don’t forget your spirit! =]

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How can I make the cheerleading squad and impress the judges?

Question by FOXRIDERCHICKKKK(:: How can I make the cheerleading squad and impress the judges?
I am trying out for my school’s cheerleading squad next Friday and I am really nervous. I need like, REALLY good tips to help me WOW the judges and make the team. PLEASE help!

Best answer:

Answer by xonybabeox
I now judge for cheerleader try outs at my old high school and here are a few things I know I like to see along with my fellow judges:
1. Always have a smile on. If you don’t the judges think you really aren’t into it.
2. Pony tails with a bow. ultimate cheerleader accessory.
3. After jumps clap your hands before standing up right. Its just what most cheerleaders do and you need to get use to it. Coaches always make you do that.
4. If you have to dance, dance to your fullest extent. Show what you have.
5. Always be LOUD but do not scream. Use your outside voice indoors.
6. Shake the judges hands before you start and after you are done. It shows that you really want to do this.
7. Make sure that there aren’t big things conflicting with practice. That is a big turn off. Coaches want you to be 110% committed.
8. Not too much make up. The only time you should have a ton on is during competition and games.
9. Power. Show you are a strong leader. Its called cheerLEADING after all.
10. Make sure that you show confidence at all times. You can’t be shy and timid. That is a big turn off as well.
I wish you the best of luck 🙂

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