What stretches can a I do to get more flexible for cheerleading?

Question by Cheer Girl: What stretches can a I do to get more flexible for cheerleading?
I can do all three of my splits, touch my toes, and put my nose to the floor in a straddle. I’d still like to get more flexible however, to pull things like a bow and arrow and scorpion (I can pull my foot behind my head like a scorpion, but my leg is greatly bent and I would like to make it straight). What stretches should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by x3x3wowx3x3
something that really helped me … ok sit down on your knees(your butt is sitting on your calves),then lay down on the floor(with your calves still where they were before)your legs should be behind your back, or beside you. if it doesnt really stretch then your doing it wrong. hold it for a while (like for two minutes) then try a scorpian(videotaping yourself really works) your scorpian should improve. keep repeating this. i did my scorpian once and it was terrible then i did that drill 3 times(doing a scorpian between each one.) and by the time i did my last one my wrist was the only thing that was bent

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3 thoughts on “What stretches can a I do to get more flexible for cheerleading?

  1. latina mami. [dominican pride)

    do gravity splits for 10 minutes each night………lay on your back with your legs up in the air and but up against a wall. Spread out your legs (like you are doing the middle splits) and have someone press on your legs or press them down your self….
    soon youll get you feet to touch the ground and youll be able to get your scorpian or you can also TRY Standing in a doorframe with your heel against the frame, you can lift your other leg up and slowly walk your hands back until you feel a stretch. Hold that for about four eight counts and then do the other leg. Make sure and do that when you are really warm.
    Other than that…make sure you do this daily…. 🙂

  2. mje1983

    I always tell my athletes to hold your left leg split, right leg split, and middle split for two minutes three nights a week. Try to do them every other day because if your muscles are too sore you won’t improve. Also try to go just a little bit further each time. If it hurts too bad then go back a little but also keep in mind to push yourself. That will help leg flexibility.

    As for back flexibility lay down on your back and place your hands by your ears crunch your knees up so they point at the ceiling but leave your feet on the ground them push your self up with your belly button facing the ceiling this will stretch your back. Lock your arms out so they are completely straight try holding that for 30 seconds. When your done come down slowly and grab your knees and roll back and forth. I call it rock and roll. 🙂 Hope this helps a little good luck

    Cheers 😉

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