What is the difference between a cheerleading twist down and a twisting basket toss (for the flyer) ?

Question by cheerbabbayyx135: What is the difference between a cheerleading twist down and a twisting basket toss (for the flyer) ?
I know how to do a twist down from a half and soon im going to do a twisting basket toss (except the bases hands aren’t in a connected square shape, there in a regular position like when your about to get into a half (smoosh position.) Any tips and differences?

Best answer:

Answer by Sandra Soliani
I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we’re all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don’t give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain… and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there… it’s become my new eBay lol! Go to WinItems.com

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4 thoughts on “What is the difference between a cheerleading twist down and a twisting basket toss (for the flyer) ?

  1. sarah_nichole

    well in a basket toss the bases totally let go of the flyer…the only thing i can telll you is to ride up and dont try to twist right out of the bases hands…also dont dive when you are twisting(if that makes sense)…dont let your chest drop and you should be good 😀

  2. Kayle

    well i am not an experinced flier at all. i base and back spot. but a twist down is a dismount and a basket toss.. well is a basket toss.. sooo i guess the difference is the hieght, unless your bases are weak and down toss high. so i can imagine the fleir uses the technique… 🙂 rember to always hold your weight and drive up to get maximum height as possible. and from a cradle or a basket toss, never jump out of the stunt… hope this helps. 😛

  3. Holly Schiltz

    For the flyer, there is really no difference. All you do is remember to shoot up and twist. Don’t look over your shoulder, just tilt your head to your shoulder, that should help with it too (: Hope I could help and remember don’t think, just GO (:

  4. Cheer girl


    I LOVE twisting basket tosses!
    Ok, so when you twist down they throw you at prep!
    When you basket toss you start basically on the ground
    You will go much higher in a basket toss than a twist down and it’s a LOT easier!

    A tip would be, ride the basket like a normal one and when you hit your peak (the moment when it all slows down and stops for a second) you glance at your shoulder but NOT over it.
    Try to stay as tight as possible and spin your shoulders, hips and legs as one!

    You can practice on a trampoline or even a SOFT armchair but a tramp would be better!

    Goodluck and I know your going to love the stunt and do great!

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