What is the correct and proper way to ask out a cheerleader?

Question by the casual fan rises: What is the correct and proper way to ask out a cheerleader?

Best answer:

Answer by Miss Theo
Have sex with her

What do you think? Answer below!

8 thoughts on “What is the correct and proper way to ask out a cheerleader?

  1. The Man

    You don’t “ASK” women out. ASKING for permission to pay attention to a chick is as silly when dealing with women as it is when trying to succeed in business.

    Give someone an opportunity to say “no” and they usually WILL.

    You don’t ASK women to go out with you and wait for her “yes” or “no”.
    That’s like giving away all your power and you don’t even know her.

    You TELL her you are going out to have a good time —–>> and she should JOIN you.
    NEVER communicate to a woman that your good time depends on her “yes” or “no”.

    Because IT DOESN’T.

    • Don’t ASK a woman for her phone number.
    TELL her you want it.

    • Don’t ASK a woman if you can take her out or buy her dinner…
    TELL her she should join you.

    • Don’t ASK a woman for sex.
    Just shut up and kiss her.

    And you’ve just illuminated 3 “no”s from the first meeting to the bedroom ….. and she won’t even know how you did it!!!

    Men are better than women at understanding women.

    Tell your cheerleader:
    “Meet me tonight for a f–k and a pizza.
    Whassamatter…… you don’t like pizza?”

  2. Daa Mann

    In song…

    dAs m@N is das asel

    he bring swine flu for you

    you give him oinky and he give you coo.

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