New Cheer Video!

MY BLOG KEEP IN MIND…..I am still getting my skills back after my break…not my best work!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “New Cheer Video!

  1. GuadalupeHearts

    Lol. even though i did gymnastics for 5 years i cant do any of that stuff i did cheerleading last year not this year but i might start again next year. you must have awesome balance to stay up on one foot with only a guy underneath using 1 hand! strong..

  2. baabffl237

    Man I wish I could cheer like you!! I’d also love to hang out with hot guys and do what I love (cheering) !!

  3. gymnasticsbaby516

    I can’t believe you call that ur fail of the night! I would die to be able to do any of that! Your amazing!!!!

  4. soccerjackie97

    hey guys i just got started on youtube :D( excitting) . So i need help making videos and i need some subsribers . please give me ideas and it would be awesome and would make my day 😀 thanks !

  5. Jingleslover5

    hey megan, I have a question- so I have my roundoff backhand spring but I always land in a push-up position- my tumbling instructor is telling me how to fix it but i cant

  6. diamondzebra101

    ok im a gymnast and your good and everything but this just bothers me, Please get your feet together!

  7. uscrazybuds

    ummm…. how in the world do u do that im like so a little tiny nobody compared to u but who cares not me!;)

  8. mikailaaaa1

    What song is this? like obviously it’s a remix but do you know who it’s by?
    Great video you’re so talented!

  9. MOFOxxILY

    how long did it take you to get your rewind? and did you have one with a group stunt before? Or do you only do partner stunting?

  10. CheerObsessionGirl


    hey. i have a pretty good toe touch so ill upload a video on getting higher and better toe touch jumps. chek my channel in a few minutes.

  11. king528123

    hey ive been doing cheer for along time and my toe touches were perfect but then i stopped for a while and i cant get it back, could you do a tutorial on getting good and high toe touches. thanks (:(:

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