Michael Savage – War with Iran

The NeoCon cheerleader and zionist Michael Savage is pushing for War with Iran. Are you feed up with Savage? Well you are not the only one and you are not powerless. Go to nosavage.org and stop him.
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25 thoughts on “Michael Savage – War with Iran

  1. mihail2000

    pretty soon the destruction of the worlds dictator ( America) will come by a sudden nuclear attack.

  2. Chareb94

    @JazistheGreatest That’s the difference between me and you or winners and losers.
    Yes it is feasible. How many Japanese burned then finally quit? Exactly. What the crybaby
    whiners DON’T add is the Emperor of Japan was WARNED about the bomb, and ignored it.
    WARNED multiple times, and even after the FIRST nuke, LIED to his people about it…Second
    got his fucking attention, DIDN’T it? That cocksucker threatened to kill 100k POW’s….Fuck him
    and fuck islam….BURN EM!

  3. JazistheGreatest

    theres no need to call me “stupid”. i am on your side. and i shall fight islam forever. my wife is a exmuslim (i freed her myself btw) so i have already done my part and i shall do even more. but we cant “burn” 1 billion people. do you honestly think that trying to burn a billion humans is a feasible permanent solution? we need to cure them from this contagious mental disease named islam not burn them. and to achieve that we need to all unite and put a lot of time and effort in.

  4. Chareb94

    @JazistheGreatest 1000s of babies that will be made to hate Americans and Jews….Fuck them, they already hate us stupid…..Burn them…..NOW!

  5. JazistheGreatest

    i dont support any of what you said. i am anti islam. i am on your side. what i said is that nuking the muslims isnt a solution. #1 nuking them is cruel and we would murder thousands of babies in the process. #2 nuking them wouldnt even work because there are too many of them to nuke. #3 nuking them would be counterproductive to our goal in the longrun because then they would hate us even more. we need to either dilute them or deconvert them. we need a global public education system.

  6. Chareb94

    @JazistheGreatest But you will support terrorists, killing jewish children, enslaving
    whole nations….Yer a peach….Nice propaganda yerself …Mullah says what?

  7. Chareb94

    @halflifeproductionz Nah, fuck middle eastern terrorist, fuck muslims, fuck hezbollah, fuck
    the made up losers group calling themselves Palestians who are actually all the scum kicked
    out of surrounding countries….Ameriican soldier willingly serve stupid….Get it?

  8. Chareb94

    @80sloveruk His own , tool…. It takes an ass stomping/head bashing to stop a bully from bullying…
    Niceness and understanding doesn’t work….Get it? Fuckin pussy crybabies…Move to Europe and
    drink shitty coffee and drink wine and act smart while real men and women secure yer fuckin safety.

  9. danielasm66

    This guy has done more for anti semitism than the Klan………Hes fucking sick, who the fuck pays for this shit?
    Its like listening to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
    No way anyone in Israel is so stupid as to pay for this shit, nor anyone in America as fucked up to agree with anyone for this. Any normal human being who hears this is going to back down from that kind of violence put forward by a radio host. He makes Iran and North Korea, seem REASONABLE.

  10. wwefanworld

    @nerdy86 No he knows what he is doing. He is a master of propaganda. He knows this is just plain wrong, but he doesn’t care because all that matters to him is that that the Israel succeeds at the end of the day.

  11. wwefanworld

    Wow savage. Fine you want war? Well checkmate you get it. Give the guy a gun and let him bring a few of his Zionist friends with him.

  12. JazistheGreatest

    – you are preaching to the choir because i agree with you
    – i just think we should do it without any violence
    – i just think we should do it without saying that thousands of babies should be nuked

  13. halflifeproductionz

    @JazistheGreatest its okay for jewish monkeys to rile up foreign policy in the US, and i say something out of anger and you call me the lowest common denominator? how much more americans and innocent civilians around the world are going to die just so we can all agree israel has a right to exist. Fuck that!

  14. JazistheGreatest

    – you are preaching the murder of millions of humans (including thousands of babies btw).
    – your morality is the lowest level of morality.
    – yet you insanely believe that you are the goodguy and that yours is the highest level of morality.
    – im not supporting israel nor zionists nor jews but sadly you are merely part of the problem not part of the solution.
    – gandhi and mandela and king and others were able to solve their problems without any violence so why cant you also?

  15. bison891


    10 million listeners doesn’t make them followers retard. Go play in traffic and use yourself as a pinball for the cars.

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