25 thoughts on “Layout Full Twist Tutorial

  1. Swivvy123

    @mel2thegibson Yah evry time I try to lyk increase I gt scared ima fall so I just stop nd land on my back but if you saw tha way i do it it looks lyk it hurts nd it duz

  2. mel2thegibson

    @Swivvy123 same here. i can do them also but i dont extend my legs so it looks dumb. im wanting to know how to increase twisting speed so i can double full.

  3. Swivvy123

    Great tumblin helped out..a lot.I already knew how to do one,but tha way I was doin one was messed up,so wanted to check lol

  4. squid5191

    @ZZMann33 haha yeah we got mine when i was like 8 so i thought it was the best thing in the worldd (:

  5. squid5191

    @ZZMann33 i think you can buy them at sams club… we got mine there (square netted) and i remember seeing this one but we went for the square haha

  6. KLgoulds18

    what helped me the most when doing this was while doing a layout yelling floor when i saw the floor….it really helped ALOT

  7. footylover9

    you are the hottest chick i have ever seen im guess in u live in the usa but if lived here i would b lik wow but yeah good vid

  8. footylover9

    you are the hottest chick i have ever seen im guess in u live in the usa if u ever come down to australia tell us and ill show ya around

  9. R34lH0pe

    This helped alot thanks sooo much! I have my full, but my legs bend : [ so it acctully looks like a tuck full ] & I don’t like to do it on trampoline but I guess I have to get used to it before I do it on tumble track. i find it easier on tumble track tho. Any tips on to help keep my legs straight? I’m pretty sure i’m afraid I won’t get as much rotation in a layed out position then I would in a tucked position.

  10. ZZMann33

    Where did you get this trampoline and what brand is it. Im looking to get one for my nieces and this one looks safe with the side nets. This would help alot, thanks and good job.

  11. blahhhh537

    hey so i have a question, what if i know how to do a full on the trampoline but when i try and do it on the ground it just doesn’t work and i end up falling lol could you make a video of learning how to do it on the ground ? thankss:)

  12. justincredible9446

    I do the same thing i half right but do a full twist left I suppose its a good thing because you can learn to full both directions=]

  13. Ferenghir

    Nice video and good advise on twisting, but I noticed that you’re twisting right with the half twist and then left with your fulls. Twisting in the wrong direction in halfs can help you twist later if you have a “to early” twist, but otherwise you should always twist in the same direction, left in your case as it seems to be your natural way. Otherwise wonderful gymnastics and instructions 🙂

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