2 of 2 Gary Taubes on Larry King Live 10/19/2007

Guest host Joy Behar interviews author Gary Taubes about his new book and talks to a panel about the myths of dieting. Full transcipt: transcripts.cnn.com Transcend says tinyurl.com Typically solid at room or body temperature, saturated fats are sticky and can cause red blood cells to clump together, inhibiting their ability to carry oxygen to the cells. Saturated fats can also cause blood platelets to stick together and form blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke. Reducing consumption of saturated fat improves the health of most people. They provide support to your cell membranes and serve as precursors to a variety of hormones and hormonelike substances. A middle of the road approach to saturated fat consumption is to consume about 3 to 7 percent of your daily calories as saturated fat. www.imminst.org www.imminst.org
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25 thoughts on “2 of 2 Gary Taubes on Larry King Live 10/19/2007

  1. erg0207

    All the arguments from the so called experts are extremely primitive. Dr. wizard of OZ gets all upset when Gary drops the bomb and says his beloved medical community is at fault. Yeah sure you’ve got all the answers buddy, that’s why there no obesity problem. Betcha that woman will be fatter than ever in 2 years time. This is a bad place to be for Gary with all these air heads, the guy can’t even talk for f*ck sake.

  2. vigilantezack

    Poor Gary, in all these things he always has so much to say and no time to say it. Jillian is partially right about the few beneficial hormones released in exercise like growth hormone and testosterone. T is very very good for men who want to lose weight, if they are low in T and high in Estrogen it’s a MUST to reverse this. Weight training is essential. But as far as diet, Gary has the spotlight, insulin has to be controlled, period.

  3. lcdrpeterson

    Wow….it is like everyone is ganging up on Gary Taubes. I have lost nearly 60 pounds following the advice from Gary Taubes, and personally believe all of his conclusions. It is the insulin and carbs that are making us fat!!! The science backs it up and there are many of us out here that have personally proven this point. Why didn’t this Show get someone that has lost 200 pounds on Low Carb on the show? There are many out here!

    The debate was very disjointed and unorganized.

  4. ncrb73

    Joy is too stupid to intellectually grasp Taubes viewpoint. And so is Jillian, debating hormonal response to exercise with a being who graduated from Stanford, Harvard and wrote a 500 page book on the metabolic response to the presence of insulin. Jesus is Jillian stupid, she’s a personal trainer with a very fundamental understanding and practical knowledge, but not on the level with Taubes in any way, shape or form. Bitch should shut up and be glad she has a tv show.

  5. Esoparagon

    The fitness coach did a few weeks of nutrition training and thinks she knows because what she was taught is gospel to her. Gary shows how this equation is simply wrong and ridiculous. To think she can even compete intellectually on a discussion about the complex biological factors in fat regulation with Gary (or Oz for that matter) is laughable at best.

  6. danhantheman

    the Biggest Loser coach is an idiot. honestly i know the truth, trying to explain it to the masses is like explaining to a fool, the fool thinks you’re foolish! so fuck them, if they don’t want to listen i don’t care. i’m healthy and i feel great.

    i don’t ever starve or even limit my self when i have an appetite. i simply eat a lower carb diet and eat to my heart’s content. done it for the past 5yrs. its almost like too good to be true! thank you Gary Taube (and Metabolic Typing)

  7. danhantheman

    man this woman is so fucking biased towards Oz. she shamelessly interrupts Taubes when he’s trying to make a point

  8. rooley

    As someone who’s been working out regularly for years and years I can’t beleive this lady is saying that excercise suppresses appetites. What garbage.

  9. rooley

    @lildarkd lol You’d think that what Taubes is pushing works while what Oz is pusshing doesn’t would be enough to compel people to take it serioiusly.

  10. Bobby25ification

    if you over eat 100 calories a day youll be fat in like a YEAR obviosly it is the carbs cuz a 2000 calorie diet is a fuck load of food

  11. trixy776655

    I feel so bad for Taubes sitting there trying to defend himself against two people (Oz and that stupid woman from Biggest Loser) who do not know what they are talking about and use anecdotal data to try and debunk his sound argument (which is backed up by actual research!)

  12. ORTprod

    the problem with this is that they all have some good points but their approach to debate is VERY disorganized. They jump from valid to invalid point, from opinion to logic and from fact to theory. These shows do a disservice to the public by confusing people and leaving them to their own devices… which is usually just going back to what they have been doing.

  13. raggsvettma

    I’ve lost over a 100 pounds, here, com take me. Damn make up’d bitch.
    You’re awesome gary rock on! LCHF saved my life.

  14. fucknuaf

    @1kaptenqk How does that adress anything I have stated you fucking idiot? Do you speak to people out in the real world like that too? how many teeth have you got left? internet tough guys comes a dime a dozen. Heres yours

  15. 1kaptenqk

    they bring up three things that taubes claim on this show, which is;
    carbs give you alzheimers – and yes, an excess might.

    you look the way you look and you can’t change that – no, you might be more or less sensitive to carbs though.

    you won’t get lean by exercising – well. to get lean-er you need a negative calorie balance, exercise creates that.

  16. 1kaptenqk

    @rast123456789 When you workout you use up calories, so naturally your body will want to restore the balance so you want lose fat/muscle – because your body thinks you’re in fucking africa hunting lions. Now – what a resistance training/gym workout also does is increase metabolism for the rest of the day, meaning you might use up 400 kcals and then eat 500 kcals, but your BMR will increase and you’ll go negative at the end of the day. fucking – magic.

  17. 1kaptenqk

    @fucknuaf because working out does what? that’s right, tear down your muscles, so your body needs what to repair them so your muscles can get bigger? that’s right you fucking moron, proteins.

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