Zombies Ate My Neighbors – BLHR Run – 45-46

View Run: www.youtube.com Me doing a BLHR run, levels 45 and 46. The hardest thing to do in theory, well, the hardest is doing the run with two players 🙂 BLHR makes you start at level 45 with 10 victims, 150 water gun ammo and 1 medikit. Problem is level 45 is full of red ants, and the next level needs like 50 bazookas or 2-3 monster potions 🙂 Luckily level 45 has a lot of hidden items, just enough to be able to finish the game. You do lose a lot of life if you go by foot, so I spend one of the precious monster potions to get the items, and to save the victims at the same time. The ants follow your movements, use that to your advantage to get them stuck so they stop following/damaging you. When I stand still or backtrack for no apparent reason, I’m trying to get the ants/Jason to disappear/move on. Picked (in order): 1 soldier + bazooka 1 bazooka + dollar bill (under single tree) 1 medikit 1 bazooka + 1 mistery potion (both under a single tree) An ant had picked a monster potion from a tree, I recover it 1 dog Another monster potion, in a normal game i use that one to pick the first one after the life but meh A life –missing monster potion A cross/ancient artifact plus sodas, the cross got picked by an ant but recovered it 1 soda –missed and left water gun, probably took by ant 1 bazooka, recovered from ant 1 teacher 1 cheerleader + gold 1 bazooka picked by an ant from a tree below 1 gold 1 teacher –1 medikit lost –1 bazooka + soda (under single tree), left to ants

25 thoughts on “Zombies Ate My Neighbors – BLHR Run – 45-46

  1. kennyJRT

    This brings so many memories as a kid! My friend and I would always freak out when Jason was on a level. LOL Even now I was freaking out as you played that level with those chainsaw jasons lol.

  2. chrislasky

    no, the bazooka blast changes items sometimes. grr, i hate these last levels, i can’t get past 48

  3. Shipper08

    I have a question. Was it just the graphics changing at about 00:55 or did it actually change from a ‘Ghost’ Potion to a Monster Potion?

  4. Tokyomew4evrgirl

    wow your really good i remember i would play with my sister on super nintendo and we sucked.

  5. ridgway777

    hey there id love this game, i used to play it yrs and yrs ago,,, just hearing the music is awesome.. add me to msn pleaseeee…?

  6. Hazelminker

    i can send you this game i have it on my Computer…just send me a message and ill add you on msn

    btw i never got trough lvl 20 when i used to play this xD those worms allways killed me and i could never find the key

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