VACCINATIONS, HEAVY METALS & HOW I DETOXIFY & STRENGTHEN THE CELLS OF MY BODY, BRAIN & IMMUNE SYSTEM!⬆CLICK blue(more info)LINK ABOVE!⬆ *SHOP http *AMAZON *DONATE http *BOOKS—VACCINES/IMMUNITY Krista & I attended a webinar hosted by Dr. Buttar, who has been successfully treating Desiree Jennings, the former Redskins cheerleader who was (arguably) injured by a flu vaccine earlier this year. Dr. Buttar & 2 other doctors said they are UNEQUIVOCALLY against ALL vaccines. http REMEMBER: we’re all entitled to have differing opinions! So let’s discuss this topic as peacefully as possible. Personal attacks on each other will NOT be tolerated. In anticipation of possible references to scientific studies showing how vaccines are “safe,” I must state that there have been NO scientific studies on the CUMULATIVE affects of the DOZENS of vaccines that humans now receive from birth (currently 49 doses before the age of 6! See link below for the ASTOUNDING levels of mercury in EACH vaccine, multiply by 49 & prepare to be SHOCKED!). Therefore, until such a study has been completed, I choose to have a greater possibility of the flu over a small chance of a severe reaction like Desiree’s. But guess what—I haven’t had the flu in years! Is it because I’ve spent those same years naturally strengthening my immune system via eating a natural diet high in raw organic fruits & vegetables, as well as getting
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25 thoughts on “VACCINES?

  1. osalindra

    ask the doctors have they given their kids the vaccine’s,as for raw foods what about the soil they are grown in maybe dig down deep to get fresh soil …….chemtrails?

  2. debrasnell721

    I did not vaccinate my son much to everyones distress~ I have had several clients that their children suffered from some of the vaccinations! Good Job Dan! X

  3. EddieSpaghetti0070

    Great Video’s I am working on eating more raw foods, love what your saying here is a link to my Facebook Group… EAT WEEDS! please join & share your comments there! Eddie

  4. TheaDragonSpirit

    @duendecilla999 – what I basically meant is its hard when you try to be kind and people don’t get it. I don’t do stuff to be mean or cruel or destroy there world. I do it for one simple reason to improve the future for man kind, it may seem negative, but its all with postivity its just sometimes shown in negative emitions but in the end I just want less suffering and more happiness. I don’t shove it in peoples face. I only give out a video that will have postive effect later. 🙂

  5. TheaDragonSpirit

    @duendecilla999 – Yeah I figured that out. I just post stuff on my profile thats a bit different. Sometimes what I write on my wall is bit aggressive. Sometimes its a bit negative, sometimes its really kind hearted. I don’t try to be a postive robot. Not that its wrong to do that but I like to feel the whole emitions in the world you know I like to keep it real. I enjoy been human. However I hand out videos that are kind to people. However I write what I think on my profile.

  6. lovemerawTV

    @ShutOffDaTV Yes, really. Every single state has a religious exemption. As I said, just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I just looked it up and yes Indiana does religious exemption, just like every state in the union.

  7. duendecilla999

    @TheaDragonSpirit dont hand out info.. the ppl that are really interested will approach you first. dont try to convince anybody. perhaps when they are sick enough they will try sthing else. its not your problem. you keep getting healthy!!

  8. TheaDragonSpirit

    Man I feel this – so much lately I have been handing out information telling people stuff and trying to help best I can and it feels like people are scared of me… or scared am trying to hurt them… or I have been brain washed…. its weird why people feel like this… It feels so hard at times you try to be healthy and tell others they need to try be healthier and they attack you for writing stuff on your own profile or sharing videos now and then and people seem to be confused about me?

  9. TheaDragonSpirit

    @cisca12592 – WOW! am 26 and I find it hard, at 18 I don’t think I would been able to do it at all. Well done! 🙂

  10. EdithReyntiens

    @MsVenaLuna ; Trust that VenaLuna, sometimes the sugar is not right for your body. Polysaccharides can be damaging to the walls of the gut, and can lead to ulcerative colitis etc.

  11. MsVenaLuna

    Sugar gives me spots. What am I supposed to do about that?? I cut it out, and they go.. Eat fruit, and I get all sorts of problems. I know it’s healthy, but it just does not agree with me 🙁

  12. Carmeistergeneral

    Vaccinations work.
    Raw foods detox.

    Without pesticides raw foods probably contain aflatoxins, with pesticides, they contain toxin chemicals.

    Dig the spiritual stuff man but, we screwed the earth. Go deal.

  13. delitemyheart

    @quitejaded Well im also just speaking through what i know. Your statement of vaccines being weak and what not is far more complex then that lol.
    The reason i can say that all vaccines are bad is because..FACT; Vaccines contain contaminants and pollutants that are poisonous to the human body.
    As for providing a web site for about you do some real genuine reasearch like i have done, rather than believing government & big pharma sponsored statistics..cause thats all u have!
    Try Google.

  14. quitejaded

    @delitemyheart I’m just speaking through what I know. The vaccines are weakened diseases. Sometimes, they are not weak enough and sometimes they are weak enough to work. I don’t understand how you can say all vaccines are bad when some work and others don’t. that’s great you’ve done extensive research. Can you share some helpful sites that are better at explaining your viewpoint?

  15. delitemyheart

    @quitejaded My view point is not just off the top of my head. My view point is based on extensive research and actual facts!
    You said “i dont make sense” Hahaha thats funny because i think you dont make sense by thinking that injecting the human body with deadly diseases & pollutants will constitute immunity. This year in the U.S deaths from the flu are at an all time low and that is because 52% of Americans did not take a flu shot. People are waking up to the truth..vaccines kill.

  16. quitejaded

    @delitemyheart In school, they gave us statistics about vaccinations (polio being among on of the great successes). Please give me some links with some research about how vaccinations are doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do. You don’t make sense and I’m not just going to accept your view point because you give me information from the top of your head. Thanks!

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