Q&A: Is it hard to convert from dance to cheerleading?

Question by Blonde Barbie ♥: Is it hard to convert from dance to cheerleading?
so i do dance now.. i love it and i deff. won’t quit it. but i am thinking of going to another school and if i do i might wanna try out for cheerleading. i will deff. stay in dance no matter what.. especially if i make it so i can improve my moves but do you think that’s a too big of a transition? i might be moving to a diff. hs for my sophomore or junior year.

Best answer:

Answer by Cameron
No, i actually recommend the change…when you do cheer leading, your experience in dance will help you do the more difficult routines and give you more flexibility. This will eventually make you captain of your squad one day.

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2 thoughts on “Q&A: Is it hard to convert from dance to cheerleading?

  1. beauteimparfait

    The only real differences is your turn out and that you moves are sharp instead of fluid. Joining the cheerleading squad would be a great way to improve your range of flexability and your memory for choreography. I would deffinitly recomend that you join your highschool cheer squad.

  2. emii<3[;

    no, i started out as a dancer, then added on gymnastics, then added on cheerleading, there all alike so they each help you with each other.

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