“Another Day at the Office” – Advent Children

Just a blurb with Reno and Rude fighting the undead cheerleading squad from Midgar High. Cloud, ex-head cheerleader returns to help bust some heads.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on ““Another Day at the Office” – Advent Children

  1. MrAbawmidabull

    I love them, cuz theyre just normal-ish guys holding their own against superpowered mako freaks

  2. CinnamonLynn6

    Reno: *steps on glasses*
    Rude: O.O
    Reno: *not paying attention*
    Rude: *takes out another pair*

  3. RetardedxSkittles

    Reno and Rude together are the biggest idiots ever, and provide great comic relief to a serious movie. I love them!

  4. kadajtheremnant

    fuck off putting those things on videos we dont want to look at girls on cam thankyou very much

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