How can I get a body like a cheerleader?

Question by baby_x: How can I get a body like a cheerleader?
I have changed my diet to a new healthy one, to help me lose half a stone. I will be 8.5 stone when i reach my target weight which is ideal for my 5 ft. 3 frame.
Will callanetics and the gym twice a week each help? anything else i can do to get the physic of a cheerleader?

Best answer:

Answer by leezaaa
I would increase your cardio, maybe 30 mins three times a week on either the elliptical machine or treadmill at the gym.

You know, you could just join the cheer team. They’ll motivate you by having the physique that you want, and they’ll encourage you to better the team. I say go for it!

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One thought on “How can I get a body like a cheerleader?

  1. adri

    run a mile or a mile and a half and work out for 45 minutes to an hour.. everyday or everyother day.. and stick to your diet

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