CoD4 – The Road to Commander pt.51

I dedicate this round to my #1 cheerleader 58-5-5 Skorpion silenced USP .45 Bandolier Stopping Power Steady Aim

25 thoughts on “CoD4 – The Road to Commander pt.51

  1. bongoboyj

    check the fucking range. scorpion only short range my fucking ass. he’s even got silencer on it.

  2. jaffaceksi

    that would been a tactical nuke in mw2,and its a lot harder to get it on cod4 so i raise a hat for you.

  3. kingowen17

    Man… if u did some of things u do here on PC you’d be raped to within an inch of your bowels!!

  4. KaosIzKlutch

    its incredible how naturally headshots come to you with the ak47! im so jealous, your ak bullets are attracted to the domes of noobs.

  5. iAMgta8608

    why is it every cod4 vid i see is full of complete noobs? not taking anything away from the great score and great play, but most of the guys you are playing cant even aim

  6. chauboii

    oh yea and, stopping power allows you kill better with any other weapon u pick up after running out of ammo, for example sniper or assault rifle

  7. chauboii

    that makes sense, cause thats what i thought before, but Ive always done better with stopping power, cause it allows u to kill faster, giving enemies with SP less time to kill you, and u use less ammo per kill because u can do more damage with less bullets, so stopping powers the best choice, thats why he uses them in almost all his vids, cept maybe shotgun but thats a differnt story

  8. Jmunny1237


    The game was actually better than the record would show. A couple of deaths were a donkey shit grenade death and a uber evil spawn death. they gotta take down the good players somehow, if only by a little bit.

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