Can you be a cheerleader and have crooked teeth?

Question by Amy: Can you be a cheerleader and have crooked teeth?
I want to try out for cheerleading but idk if I should because I have crooked teeth. Any opinions?

Best answer:

Answer by maemae x]
it doesn’t matter if you have crooked teeth.
They’ll look at how good you are.
and accept you.
crooked teeth is just something you can easily fix with braces.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Can you be a cheerleader and have crooked teeth?

  1. bouncyestrella

    That’s so mean to yourself =[

    Sweetie, it doesn’t matter if your teeth are crooked. I mean yes, cheer leaders are suppose to have a good appearance, but if you’re a great cheerleader than you should do just fine.

    If your teeth bother you that much then try to get you parent sto get you braces…

    and for your question, I say go for it!!!

    if you’re good then they better pick you =]

  2. Elliott M

    its all about your inthusiasm and bubbley persona and the ability to fire up other with your energy. not your teeth be confident go for it!

  3. =

    As long as you’re not astoundingly ugly and your teeth aren’t horizontal in your mouth, there is no reason why they wouldn’t accept you. Trust me, you notice the crookedness much more than anyone else!

    Good luck.

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