25 thoughts on “Texas Tech National Cheerleading Competition

  1. gobailey2008

    i hate the stupid mascot!!! he is always in the way!! we looked up CHEERLEADERS for texas tech not MASCOT for texas tech ughhh

  2. Joy4Moni

    ok im a cheerleader and my friend who does dance says that hiphop is definitly not related to cheer. im pretty sure hiphop is related to cheer because us cheerleaders do hiphop dances in our routines, so is hiphop related to cheer?

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  7. waterfallphantic

    I agree, it is fun to watch though i know it is A LOT of time into it and A LOT of planning

  8. UAJAKE82

    anyone that says that competitive/collegiate/high school cheerleading isn’t a sport clearly don’t know what they are talking about….it’s one of the most disciplined sports and it’s extremely athletic and takes a ton of skill and dedication as with any sport

  9. zachk1290

    Did you guys here that a federal judge recently ruled cheerleading is not a sport in the same way volleyball is?

  10. number80baby1012

    @Kgrl121 not ah big stunts can be just as hard yea maybe a simple half isn’t hard but full’s and twists and scorpions r not easy at all. the flier has got to have guts to go up in the air like that! TRUST ME!!!!

  11. number80baby1012

    they did an awesome job. and me being a cheerleader myself all that stuff is not easy. we don’t have any boys on our team so we can’t do one man stunts.

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