RSU Cheerleading…Seacon Square 2003

They are Thailand Cheerleading Champion in Seacon Square Cheerleading Complettion 2003 by PEPSI. The performance is full amazing of stunt and pyramid.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

10 thoughts on “RSU Cheerleading…Seacon Square 2003

  1. sagitarian65

    is this your country’s best team? check philippine UAAP and NCAA cheerding squad competition. although UAAP & NCAA is not considered a national team competition because it only caters schools from Metro Manila but it’s among the best competition in the country. Note that the bigger the number the more difficult to synchronize.. unlike this thai team.. so go ahead check what i’ve said.

  2. yeschuan

    This is very good! Omg! All the moves are cool and styled. Just the guy in the middle at 1:01 looks quite gay with that move. The rest is superb! Nice vid. =P

  3. everydayglory

    that … was amazing. Those toe touches and that superman were GREAT. Their dancing is really outstanding. That routine was difficult and I don’t even want to think about the injuries that must have occured while practicing those throwing stunts!!

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