Q&A: How do I improve my sharpness for cheerleading?

Question by Boobs aren’t Puppies or Jugs: How do I improve my sharpness for cheerleading?
Next year, I’m planning on trying out for cheerleading again.
Last year, I didn’t make it because I wasn’t sharp enough.
Please don’t give tell me to take dance classes or anything because right now, my parents are financially tight, so that’s kind of not an option.
Thank youu(:

Best answer:

Answer by Azukini
What I can say if you are not suppose to attend dance classes is to go to the gym! I think sharpness is your upper body strength, so that might be the case for you. Many people aren’t sharp enough because their upper body strength is pretty weak.
Try to do some push-ups! That will help you also!

Go to the gym as much as you can, and you can be more fit and more active!
Also, go to youtube or any video website and learn some combos that they have! It’s really easy!

Good luck!

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2 thoughts on “Q&A: How do I improve my sharpness for cheerleading?

  1. Dancer Dance

    Just focus when you do it. If you are sharp when you practice, you will get “muscle memory” and do it that way all the time, but if you slack off during practice, you will never get better.

  2. Tara

    act like your arms are sticks and when you make moves “punch um!”

    extra advice: act like your having fun and enjoy what your doing and you will more likely make the team:) goodluckk!!

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