How can i get the body of a cheerleader?

Question by ♥: How can i get the body of a cheerleader?
I DONT MEAN THE FIGURE, I ALREADY GOT THAT. but i just saw bring it on: all or nothing, and the main character, along with some other girls, are my height and have my same body type. and they look very fit. does anyone know what exercises they do to get that kinda fitness. If you can tell me what machines to use id appreciate it. ill be buying the equipment im not going to the gym. so if you can tell me about an all purpose machine, better. and if you’ve got experience in the subject, as in you are/were a cheerleader, then i definately wanna hear your advice.

Best answer:

Answer by Skye
Get a swiss ball/fit ball (whatever you call it in the US) and some resistance bands.

These two pieces of equipment have replaced and entire gym for me and I have maintained my figure!

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5 thoughts on “How can i get the body of a cheerleader?


    yoga, plyometrics. all that crazy stuff tightens the body. plus an extensive amount of repetitious weight training with very low weight. have fun.

  2. mochabubble

    well, my recomondation is taking yoga, pilates, and gymnastics. If you just want the body, well, ballet can help to. It gives you muscles but keeps them long (im a ballet dancer… i have credits if you dont believe me… well… ya…) and good old fasioned pushups and sit-ups work for me.

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