25 thoughts on “Drunken Cheerleading

  1. LianaMay01

    Who would be stupid enough to try it without mats when you know you can’t do it? She got what she deserved!

  2. mikethefordman99

    look like to me the girl wraped her shirt in her hand so she couldnt flip. So in the end not sure if she wouldnt have made it if girl wasn’t holding her from flipping lol

  3. bboyillscience

    confucious say…rule 1= dont do drunken back rule 2= dont have person half as big but twice as drunk spotting person doing drunken back Seriously girl…who the hell taught u how 2 spot..wtf 2 THUMBS 4 THE COMEDY ASPECT THOUGH

  4. creten69

    once i took her panties and it was loaded with crusty white and yellow stuff. what is that stuff?

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