25 thoughts on “CNN: Bill Kristol exposed as Iraq War & neo-con Cheerleader

  1. Archer3421

    The media. The greatest lie produceing organization known to the United States of America.

    That dosent mean just CNN or Fox. That means ALL of them.

  2. aviomaster

    artyphax — You said :”But Kristol is a right wing extremist and they have taken over the republican party. These people are not socialists, but hyper-privatizers and exploiters. ”

    The best description of current USA rulers …

  3. vancerants

    Neo-Conservatism is the new Fascism , Jews ,Christians ,Pagans , They are all War Profiteers and Evil Fucks

  4. DClolocaustmemorial

    the jews are now so embedded in the middle east that it wouldn’t even matter if they admitted the WW2 holocaust claims were all lies. In 1997 many felt that if the jews ever admitted their guilt in The Lavon Affair it could cause their entire house of cards to crumble. The jews finally did confess to The Lavon Affair but all it did was remind the world that jews have criminal minds. The jews could even admit their intention to destroy the USS Liberty since they own all the American politicians.

  5. LuckyPierre78

    Kristol is infinitely smarter than all of his hysterical detractors. Especially, but certainly not limited to that vacuous, wild-eyed, conspiratorial old putty-head Ron Paul, who couldn’t stop parroting these tired, erroneous views on neoconservatism if his life depended on it.

  6. aviomaster

    — These fuckers will lead USA into ww-III .. the only problem is they will not have any allies …

  7. lumpagogo

    The dilemma the U.S. faces is the stranglehold which the Dems/Repubs have constructed and continue to utilize, squeeze after squeeze. The genesis of it can be found in the 1960s as this criminal element began to implement the principles of Orwellian rule per “1984.” This enterprise has its boot on our throat. The third parties which do exist offer no real alternatives to the fascists, the parasites. Look at your Specters, Pelosis, Boehners, ‘Effy Sessions etc.: cartoon clowns with real power.

  8. lumpagogo

    Enduring thanxx are owed to Tesla-G for this crucial information and analysis. Yes, Hitler the hypocrite was a personal friend of the Mufti of Egypt as well a backer of the Croations against the Serbs. The Bosnian Question of the 1990s was best left to the various states of then Yugoslavia to answer. And the U.S. refuses to face its Spanish Question when all it has to do is remember the damage it did on behalf of a Moslem enclave in Serbia which should never have been given nationhood.

  9. TeslaGenius

    Kosovo is equivalent of US situation with Hispanic emigration
    Give them legal ground of secession and they will separate states where they are absolute majority to create 2nd Mexico
    Imagine UN bombing US in “protection” of Hispanic emigration
    and you’ll understand what happened in Kosovo
    Kosovo was cradle of Serbian nation ever since 7th CENTURY!
    All our history is there
    Since occupation Muslims have destroyed over 150 churches!

  10. TeslaGenius

    US have chosen Moslem’s to be new allays in the region and have betrayed WW allay Serbia by taking side of exNAZI satellite countries
    be cause it promotes German interests in the region
    US and Germany have secret agreement in sharing of control over the Europe
    US have the biggest military base in Europe now in Kosovo not far from future gas pipelines Nabucco that will bring gas from Caspian region – THAT was the real reason of attack

  11. lumpagogo

    art is right on this point; most of what Tall Ronnie Paul said in that now legendary speech was on target but a bit of it was stretched. These sniveling Fauntelroys such as:

    William Kristol
    Richard Perle
    Paul Wolfowitz
    Talk Radio cookie-and-cake types—spent most of their school days getting out of gym class.

  12. lumpagogo

    Our Moslem and Neo-Con friends are far beneath the gentle pig in the Darwinian order. Yes, we attacked the Serbs by means of a lightning war on behalf of Moslem Ko’sovo. Maybe someone can explain why.

  13. bunk995

    Blood thirsty Billy Kristol and his crowd love wars simply because they have the ability to beat their opponents. It’s an elitist and idiotic mentality– it allows them to keep spewing nonsense from the ivory tower. If this keeps going on we’re screwed folks. This guy is a fool, seriously. He has never made any sense.

  14. TeslaGenius

    Neocon PIG Bill Kristol declared”crush Serb skulls”
    before bombing Yougoslavia
    You STINKY human WHORE!!
    We still have children and people dying
    out of depleted URANIUM that you have
    used in bombing Serbia just like in Iraq !
    Is that why Serbs were fighting
    NAZI Germany?!So you can bomb us
    and create 100%muslim country in
    human NEOCON SCUM !

  15. EVLPropaganda

    Why aren’t more people seeing this stuff. Everyone is too damn busy with all their material good’s. That stuff doesn’t even mean as much to me as it once did. This country needs to wake up, stand up, unite and bring down the scum that is the cancer to this country and Government. Even though Obama is currently president, that does not mean that these people are now obsolete from Govt’ They are like parasites feeding on the American blood. This is absolutely crazy and uncalled for. Wake up folks!

  16. inachu

    you both are correct. its goals are to have a future war with IRaq so Israel can take over Iraq and rebuild the tower of babel or the messiah will not return…. that part is being pushed by AIPAC members.

  17. inachu

    you are 100% correct.
    Neocons are warmongers plain and simple all for USA to be where we do not belong at all.
    Not one blood of USA blood should be shed for neocons no matter where they live in on the earth.

  18. artyphax

    Ron Paul is a goofball for saying the neocons are somehow leftists. While in their twenties, many people have revolutionary sympathies. But Kristol is a right wing extremist and they have taken over the republican party. These people are not socialists, but hyper-privatizers and exploiters.

  19. 6458522

    Ron Paul is hard core. I like how he was able to bring the true conservative libertarian views to the discourse. He made a lot of republicans take a hard look into the mirror and a lot of true liberals really respect him too. It’s not us and them it’s right and wrong. The truth conquers all. I hope he keeps it up!

  20. oldjoe5

    It ain’t about the protection of Israel. It is about the expansion of Israel and its power. Israel faces no serious immediate threat from their neighbors. Of course, due to their horrific treatment of arabs and muslims, their long run prospects are not good

  21. shamsheri007

    See this is the real problem.Since the creation of Isreal is disputed by all muslim countries; so Isreal will always precieve all muslim countries as its enemies. WoT has only caused instability in all muslim countries and hatred for Americans. World is not safer for an average American today because US is doing the dirty work for the Isreali state. when will we formulate a Foreign Policy of justice and for american interests. When will US stop bulling smaller countries.

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