Tori Spelling in “Death of a Cheerleader”

Tori Spelling stars in “Death of a Cheerleader,” a cautionary tale of what can happen when a mean girl goes to far. In this classic clip, we find Tori reading someone else’s diary. Has she gone too far? Someone thinks so and is determined to do something about it. This clip is brought to you by Lifetime Television’s website,, the ultimate digital destination for women’s entertainment and escape.

25 thoughts on “Tori Spelling in “Death of a Cheerleader”

  1. chakazulu87

    @wubblesful AGREED!! but ppl shouldn’t spare thier comments no matter how hurtful, stupid or even bigoted they are. This a democracy on a public forum you take the good w/ the bad. They have a right to be petty and make themselves look stupid. If you don’t wanna read ppls “absurd” comments you should watch videos on the home page.

  2. wubblesful

    I think people attack Tori for the most part because they don’t like her as a person and unfortunately people will sometimes get nasty by attacking a persons’ appearance. People will attack the appearance of even obviously attractive people for a variety of reasons. Let’s face it, you don’t need to bring up Tori Spellings appearance in order to justify disliking her, all you have to do is look at her character or should I say lack of good character and decency.

  3. wubblesful

    Maybe they just hate Tori Spelling because she is a self centered, self serving whiny baby. It’s hard to have sympathy for someone who has done the things she has done to other people with the kind of callous disregard she has shown. Tori Spelling always plays the victim. Every imagined slight is an excuse to vilify other people, although she always seems to have an excuse for her own bad behavior (as in it’s always someone else who is in the wrong and poor Tori is just the victim).

  4. BlackSwan1420

    Watching this, I’ve always thought Kellie Martin was way Prettier than Tori Spelling anyday (who looks like a God Damned horse).

  5. mlaura40s

    This was a true story about a 15yr old girl Kirsten costas who was murdered by another 15yr old Bernadette Protti in 1984, almost the same age I was back then. Killing someone like Kirsten aka Stacy played by Spelling is not the answer just because she puts others down. The reason she killed that girl is mostly b/c she was affraid the girl will embarass her to the entire school about what happened that night which IMO is the killers fault b/c she was being too obsessive and needy.

  6. MultiRainb0w

    i loved that movie!!! but the girl at the begging of the video the one that is reading a book is a bitch! she killed tori.fuck her

  7. glammie4

    @cPHOMTHIRATH I don’t think the character was all that bad either. it makes Stacy (real name Kristen Costas)such a hateful person NO ONE would like her, and Angela (real Name Bernadette Protti) look like a Saint.It probably is as much a distorted view as The Betty Broderick story was.Kristen was a real girl, who had real parents who loved her. Their only daughter was murdered by this Saint.Think about who the real villain is.

  8. bubblinbrownsugar616

    @cPHOMTHIRATH HA HA!! Tell em! Makes perfect sense!!
    I had to keep saying to myself “she’s playing a character, she’s playing a character” because in my opinion, Tori Spelling played that bitch a little bit too good!! LOLOLOL!!

  9. xxEmoLilZZxx

    ur lucky it didnt happen at ur school.mines kinda the same thing in the movie(iwould b tori)ppl would make fun of my hair,clothes&steal my drawings i wud draw in class&they would laugh and make fun of them&i would b bashed in the hallways&ppl would punch me in the back of the head&run away&when i go2my locker@ 4th period,i wud always have papers on my locker tht would say ”go kill yrself”,”i hope u die”, &also ”why bother living?go cut urself u stupid fag”.so yeah ur skools lucky

  10. prettyface777

    I wonder how she would be now if she did not get killed I wonder if she would have ended up being a nice person.

  11. BiiGxMiiCK

    im soo glad this didnt happen at my school … we were popular at school but we were nice as well .. but i guess we did get mean somtimes :S

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