How do i start a cheerleading squad in middle school?

Question by minniemcmullen: How do i start a cheerleading squad in middle school?
Hey everyone.

I’m in grade eight, and me & my friends want to start a cheerleading squad. We’ve already got one teacher.. but we need another one, we’ve picked out uniforms, and now we just need to ask the principal/vp.

Do you have any tips?
What kind of fundraising ideas do you have?
– (*we’re not allowed to sell food because of peanut products)
What’s a good proposal?
What music should we dance to?


Best answer:

Answer by Grace G
what ever you do make a remix dont do a whole song and are you guys experienced because if you arent that creates a big stereotype at your school no offense.

Fundraising ideas
school Scrip
sell scented candles
make cell phone charms
wrap presents
babysit in groups
rake leaves in neighborhood with friends

Best of Luck
<3 Gracie

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 thoughts on “How do i start a cheerleading squad in middle school?

  1. Allison

    Here’s the thing: middle school sports are not a big deal, as far as people going to games goes. Therefore, the school will not dig into its budget to get a cheerleading squad to cheer at the games.

    The point of a cheerleading squad is to pep up the crowd, and if there is no crowd at the games, there is no use for cheerleaders. The school isn’t going to spend money on it when they could use that money toward getting more computers or books or something.

    That said, dance to popular, EDITED, non-suggestive music. Dress conservatively (middle school staff love this).

    As far as fundraising goes, maybe try to fundraise through local businesses.

    To be completely honest, the only shot you have of making it work is to devise a plan where you completely fundraise all of the money you need for it, including money for practice space and transportation.

    Good luck, and if it doesn’t work, high school is so close. Just wait it out.

  2. thunter_a08

    the main thing you need ot do now is focus on the principal. after you have the ok and have ur sponsers picked out u can start decussing tryouts for the spring and uniforms and fundraisers

    yeah and basically what she mentioned are some really good fundraisers

    good luck

  3. Italy1194

    Tell the principal what a good addition a cheerleading squad would be to your school. Like how you can support your school. One time my school did a fundraiser selling magazines, and we raised a lot of money. You should dance to current popular music with a great beat. People will love you. Maybe u and your friends could even start a petition.

    Good Luck!!!!!!!! : )

  4. Bubba

    Place that same question in the letter to the editor—your local newspaper attracting the attention of local organizations to your sad plight.

  5. Jessica


    I think its great that you are interested in creating a cheer squad. I am on jv in high school, you need to first get another teacher and then talk to your principal and vice Principal. Tell them its a great opportunity to get involved and its an opportunity to make new friends. They always fall for it. Car washes can help you earn money, and see if you can get donations, or do chores fro neighbors. Good Luck, and you can find some cheers online, at

    Hope This Helps!

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