25 thoughts on “Elmira College Cheerleading Routine

  1. RachelRhythm

    that was great girls. the only thing i gotta say is more power in the tumbling, cause it looked kinda sloppy. but great motions, and great stunts

  2. RachelRhythm

    amazing team. its too bad that in normal comps, you cant do a basket that has feet over your head, or a three person up pyramid

  3. w14wilburninhell

    If this was my school and we did that good. The people would be cheering their butt off for us. People should of had alot more spirit for them.

  4. cheyennet17

    nice formations and nice clean routine.
    the tumbling was amazing as well. my fave is the finally dance part

  5. Sparklefly582

    there are atleast 2 girls on this team whos skirts are TOOOO SHORT! but other then tht it was good!

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