Question by Aero: cHEERLEADING?

Best answer:

Answer by Brielle James

1) Be as sharp as you can. When you dance or cheer, you will be criticized if you aren’t sharp. Sharp, if you don’t know, means you have to hit every motion perfectly (you have to really lock that position).

2) Be loud. When you’re cheering, you’ve got to get the crowd on their feet and you can’t do that when you’re mumbling your words! Also, it’ll earn you tons of points during try-outs. (Oh, shout from your belly, not your throat. If you shout from your throat, you might have some medical conditions coming your way.)

3) Always smile. That’s the one thing you will always hear, “Smile!” If you don’t smile, it looks really awkward and depressing. (This also earns you lots of points during try-outs.)

4) Know how to jump. There are many types of jumps and prepping for the jump and doing it right will help you have a great, high jump. You have to know the approach, execution and landing. But you’ll probably learn all that during practice.

5) Knowing gymnastics helps. A lot of cheerleaders these days know how to do a backhand spring, round-off, etc… but some schools don’t make it mandatory to tumble.

And if you make a mistake, forget about it and move on while smiling. Make it seem like you were doing it on purpose because coaches don’t like it when you fumble and make a big show about it.

(Other things you need: a lot of school spirit [yeah, go tigers! THS! yeah!], good memory to learn all cheers and dances)

Now, becoming a cheerleader:

1) Talk to your school and ask them to refer you to the cheerleading coach (or go talk to the coach directly).

2) Talk to cheerleaders and ask them for advice.

3) Make sure to attend all practices and clinics before try-outs.

Good luck! Email me if you need more help!

I can also help you with cheerleading lingo, motions, jumps, etc…

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