Awesome Cheerleading Stunts

An awesome video of some incredible stunts performed by King and Katie. The stunt, a full-up to stretch, involves Katie (the flyer) balancing upright on King’s raised hand. Set to “The Suffering” by Coheed and Cambria.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Awesome Cheerleading Stunts

  1. jblosser87

    @imamoviestar06 You have to trust your base or you will get hurt. He has to trust that you will do exactly what you need to, and she has to trust him that he will not drop her. That’s what makes a good team!

  2. imamoviestar06

    omgg lol amazing she must really trust him nto to drop her but then again he looks like he can lift a car and she looks 80lbs lol

  3. LadyA098

    Wow I can most diffently tell they trust each other!! I cant believe they can actually do this stuff! I am about to try out for central middle’s cheerleading team and they are requiring us to be able to have our herky out toe touch and everything! I’m ok at the herky but com on Now I gotta keep at my toe touch. I can do a back bend, split, cartwill, walkover, nf ect. Nd Its gone be even harder cuz I’m chubby. 🙁

  4. lexie5801

    i wish i could do that, hopefully soon i can!!!.. well with years of training and LOTS of practices!! 😀

  5. imcheerish

    @cupcakesinger1 its not rude, there just showing what they cant do. but think about it. woukd youlike to be a base and lift and overwwieght person. no. im sorry your cheer team did that they couls have made you a base but that is your answer thats why fat cheerleaders arent flyers

  6. imcheerish

    @ICRYFORJB but you do that with to bases in a backspot right. wel think of doing that with just one person. and any team in cheerleading does that its no big deal that your in forth grade. i know people in forth grade that do the some of the stuffin this video

  7. imcheerish

    @ICRYFORJB but you do that with to bases in a backspot right. wel think of doing that with just one person. and any team in cheerleading does that its no big deal that your in forth grade. i know people in forth grade that do the some of the stuffin this video

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