Tag Archives: wearing

High School Bans Cheerleaders From Wearing Uniforms to Class – TIME

School administrators are extending their crackdown of the dress code policy to the cheerleading squad’s uniforms—tailored and custom-made $ 300 uniforms that members were told to buy by the school itself. Piedmont principal Traci Williams says the …
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Would you define Christmas cheer as wearing a cheerleading uniform on Christmas Day?

Question by Brieanne: Would you define Christmas cheer as wearing a cheerleading uniform on Christmas Day?
on Christmas morning, if I put on my cheerleading uniform and open presents with my family, would that be Christmas cheer?

Best answer:

Answer by Jerry 71
Christmas cheer refers mostly to a cheerful and happy atmosphere. I don’t think anyone would expect you to put on your cheerleading uniform and yell “Jesus you’re number 1!” If you have a boyfriend, he might like you wearing the cheerleader outfit, however.

If you are invited to a Diwali party, you could wear the outfit (just like on the tv show, the Office).

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When Jennifer Hawkins was a cheerleader wearing a bikini like leotard would she have had undies on underneath?

Question by : When Jennifer Hawkins was a cheerleader wearing a bikini like leotard would she have had undies on underneath?

Best answer:

Answer by cy67
everybody wear undies. if they don’t their poor.

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If I had a girlfriend who was a cheerleader, will she be willing to cuddle while wearing her uniform?

Question by : If I had a girlfriend who was a cheerleader, will she be willing to cuddle while wearing her uniform?
If I asked her if she would cuddle with me while she’s wearing her cheer uniform, will she have any objections? They all look so cute in their uniforms.

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah
Totally up to her. All girls have different personalities.
I would say no, but hey, she might say yes.
You never know until you ask.

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Would you define Christmas cheer as wearing a cheerleading uniform on Christmas Day?

Question by Brieanne: Would you define Christmas cheer as wearing a cheerleading uniform on Christmas Day?
On Christmas morning, if I put on my cheerleading uniform and open presents with my family, would that be Christmas cheer?

Best answer:

Answer by x0x0jesss0x0x

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How do I change my avatar so I’m wearing a cheerleading uniform?

Question by : How do I change my avatar so I’m wearing a cheerleading uniform?
I’m a male, but I want to keep my male face and figure, but wear a girl’s cheerleading uniform. Is that possible the way Yahoo Avatars is set up?

Best answer:

Answer by Yahzmin (US) (₪₪₪)
Sorry, no. Yahoo avatars can’t cross-dress.

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