Tag Archives: tell

How do I tell my parents that I want to become a male cheerleader.?

Question by studentactor: How do I tell my parents that I want to become a male cheerleader.?
How do I tell my parents that I to cheer competitively. Not at my high school(cause we don’t have male lifters there) or any where in town. I would have to travel an hour away to practice 2 days out of the week.

Best answer:

Answer by ʦϯɘɍ
I dont mean to be rude, but try to do something else with your life, but if you must just say You would love to see loads of events for free

I guess they pay you to do it and they send you where the big events are

So say you want to see like football games and boxing games for free

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How should I tell my coach we should get new cheerleading uniforms?

Question by Ellie Marieee 🙂: How should I tell my coach we should get new cheerleading uniforms?
Is it possible to suggest to my coach that the girls on the cheerleading squad should get new uniforms since our old ones are very old?

I can help with the designs, you know..make it more updated and glam? =]

is it possible?
We can fundraise it =]

Best answer:

Answer by Kali
propose a way or two to pay for the uniforms. approach your coach (haha that rhymed) like an adult, and you will be more likely to be treated like an adult. good luck!!

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Q&A: How do I tell my parents I want to start cheerleading?

Question by Alli M loves MAC: How do I tell my parents I want to start cheerleading?
I wanna do cheerleading at my highschool next year.
I already do gymnastics but I wanna start cheerleading.
I wanna start now so I make it to the team next year.
How can I ask my parents if I can take classes this year and get ready for next year?

Best answer:

Answer by jibs91
Just tell them, don’t worry about what they’ll say.

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