How should I tell my coach we should get new cheerleading uniforms?

Question by Ellie Marieee 🙂: How should I tell my coach we should get new cheerleading uniforms?
Is it possible to suggest to my coach that the girls on the cheerleading squad should get new uniforms since our old ones are very old?

I can help with the designs, you know..make it more updated and glam? =]

is it possible?
We can fundraise it =]

Best answer:

Answer by Kali
propose a way or two to pay for the uniforms. approach your coach (haha that rhymed) like an adult, and you will be more likely to be treated like an adult. good luck!!

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5 thoughts on “How should I tell my coach we should get new cheerleading uniforms?

  1. Toniann M

    yeah just get a group of your team and go up to the coach and say
    listen .. is it possible for us to get new uniforms because the ones we have are really outdated and old and then get everyone to join in and ask

  2. Coffee Queen

    Just tell the coach that it would boost the morral of the players if they had nicer uniforms. Would boost their confidence.

  3. chickidee

    whoo child there is a right way to do so. talk to her politelty but dang be honest. tell her that you need new uniforms but explain to her WHY! everyone needs new stuff once in a while. show her your creative styles and ideas. i am sure that she will be approve

  4. RaeAnne C

    Go with a plan. Do some research so you know what kind of price range per girl you are looking at. Have some examples on what kind of uniform you would like to change to. Have several ideas of how to pay for them ex: fund raising ideas. You can’t expect the school to totally fund it out of their budgets. Our school does mini cheer camps where younger girls (1-6 grade) learn a fun, cute routine and perform at a half time home game. The parents pay $ 20 per child for a two hour camp and the kids get a cute t-shirt to wear. They do this twice a year–once during football season and again during basketball season. Hope this helps!

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