Tag Archives: spotting

Q&A: Does anyone have any tips for cheerleading back spotting?

Question by Taylor: Does anyone have any tips for cheerleading back spotting?
Does anyone have any tips for being a back spot in cheerleading? I’m really bad at it and i could use some tips. thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by ☺♫Ellie♫☺
Well the most important one is that you hit the floor before the flyer does. NEVER does the flyer hit it first! Do everything in your power to land under her if something goes wrong. And also, pay attention to whats going on above you really well and DON’T close your eyes if they start falling. I had a backspot once who ran under me when I fell backwards instead of looking up and catching me. I ended up falling right on her back and almost rolled backwards and off onto the ground. And we were on the track outside so that would have really been a disaster. Luckily someone else was stunting behind me and caught me before I hit my head and went into a coma =). Just make sure you do everything in your power to make sure that your flyer doesn’t kill herself. Also, when you guys are in an extention, try to hold the flyer’s ankles up as strong as you can so the bases don’t hurt their arms as much.

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