Tag Archives: Month

Academic Achievements: Elizabeth City Rotary Club Students of the Month – The Daily Advance

Lewis is varsity captain on the school cheerleading squad, student government president, National Honor Society Vice President, and an Interact Club member. She plans to attend a four-year university. Her mother is Valerie Lewis. …
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Lubbock students earn Teens of the Month academic honors – LubbockOnline.com

She is involved in Tennis, cheerleading and is a member of the Rock Solid gymnastics team. Raymond Cruz Rios, a senior at Estacado, is the son of Carlos and Nancy Rios. He is involved in student council, National Honor Society and the Spanish Club. …
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How do people become Cheerleader of the Month on American Cheerleading Magazine?.?

by rickz

Question by banana_crazed: How do people become Cheerleader of the Month on American Cheerleading Magazine?.?
I have to write about someone that was on the cover of American Cheerleading Magazine for Cheerleader of the month and was wondering if they are nominated, apply, etc. and how they go about picking the official COM.
I’ve searched around and have yet to find information about the process.
Please and Thanks! 😀

Best answer:

Answer by George Washington let it snow
I would e-mail them and ask them about it.

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Can someone help me find a plain red cheerleader outfit for a 3 month old girl?

Question by Abby C: Can someone help me find a plain red cheerleader outfit for a 3 month old girl?
I can’t find any Chiefs apparel for a baby that young, so I think I’ll just make one. Can you help me find a cheerleader outfit or cute little dress with any of the KC Chiefs colors on it? (red, black, white, and yellow)

Best answer:

Answer by Emma’sMommy TTC
They sell patterns at Wal Mart in the sewing section.

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: How can you become a cheerleader in a month?

by Welfl

Question by Kev1516: How can you become a cheerleader in a month?
My mom said that she wont pay to take me to tumbling and stretching classes, and to make our high school cheerleading squad youy have to be flexible, and have your back tuck. I already have my flip flop.

~Thanks, -Molly

Best answer:

Answer by Tumbler
So really the only thing that you can do is to go to a gym and practice. If you have a trampoline then you can practice if you have a back tuck. Don’t try anything that you know you can’t do because you could end up hurting yourself or if you get it then you could get used to doing it the wrong way and it would be harder to get it the right way. You can do drop in tumbling classes that are pretty cheap. I do it twice a week sometimes three times. You could also sometimes pay for yourself or go to a open gym and get some personal help their. HOPE THIS HELPS!!! 🙂 GOOD LUCK! 🙂

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