Tag Archives: Liberty

Can anyone give me advice on a basket toss and a Liberty in Cheerleading?

Question by dtdancer_laura: Can anyone give me advice on a basket toss and a Liberty in Cheerleading?
The last couple of days I’ve been attempting a basket toss. Just one that goes straight up. I have a lot of trouble with it, I tend to stand at the wrong time or jump. Does anyone have advice.

Liberty- Last year I finally learned how to do a Lib. This new season in cheerleading I’m having trouble agian. I get up into the Lib but then I can’t hold it and I fall, I never make it to a cradle. Can anyone help?

Best answer:

Answer by abercrombielover
for the basket toss make sure you really push your self up and for the lib. focus on something ahead,DON’T LOOK DOWN. Also for the lib ssqueezeyour butt cheeks it sounds funny but like think there is a penny there and you cant let i fall believe me it works! You could also practice standing on a can to keep your balance.

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How is the flyers foot in a cheerleading liberty?

Question by [:: How is the flyers foot in a cheerleading liberty?
I am a flyer in cheerleading. In a Liberty stunt:
Like the foot that the bases are holding is it supposed to be completely flat in their hands? or are they holding only part of your foot? pictures would be good.

Best answer:

Answer by CeciliaaxD
Your foot is flat.
This is from two or three years ago.
So its prep to Liberty.


But see how the left foot is flat. Thats how your foot remains. Don’t toe or heel, you will most likely fall.

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Cheerleading Stunts: Liberty Rewind Extension

In this video, the girls from “Cheerleader Nation” give a demonstration of the cheerleading stunt, the Liberty Rewind Extension. Watch “Cheerleader Nation” every Tuesday, starting July 6 at 9 PM et/pt, on Lifetime. Watch Cheerleader Nation Full Episodes: www.mylifetime.com Follow us on: www.twitter.com www.facebook.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5