Tag Archives: idea

Q&A: Is it a good idea to ban cheerleading stunts at a major university?

Question by Trav14: Is it a good idea to ban cheerleading stunts at a major university?
Oregon State just “grounded” its cheerleading team, which is going to be replaced by a “spirit squad” of 60 people in khakis and collored shirts. The woman who made the decision is an out lesbian, who feels that cheerleading is unfair since a 180-lb woman cannot participate.

OSU cheerleading was #6 at the national championships last year…not to mention a conspicuous part of football and basketball games. I don’t see why the cheerleaders, students and fans should suffer because this woman hates cheerleaders for some reason.

Does anyone feel that cheerleading is too dangerous? Or that cheerleading is unfair to overweight or unnattractive people? If so, couldn’t you say the same thing about almost every sport?

Best answer:

Answer by djfurey2002
i don’t think it should be banned, they should have a professional come in to try each University for them to perform stunts with the utmost safety.

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What is your general idea of a cheerleader?

Question by Chatterbox: What is your general idea of a cheerleader?

Best answer:

Answer by Bertine
if your a cheerleader i don’t want to offend you,but i have know people who are not like the stereo type but i have also known those who really fit it as well

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