Tag Archives: Haunted

How to act like a zombie cheerleader at a Haunted House?

Question by zii: How to act like a zombie cheerleader at a Haunted House?
I am supposed to work at a local haunted house as a “Zombie Cheerleader”. I have never been a cheerleader before and I’ve never volunteered at a haunted house, so I have no idea what I am supposed to say… any ideas of phrases I could say, or tips on how to act, would be very appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by littlemoochild
Jump around a lot, big creepy smile on your face. Always yelling “Go team, go!” If you hear one of the attendants say one of their friends names, talk to them. Like, if you hear someone say something like “Chris, not that way!” Go by him and start shouting “Chris can do it, yes Chris can…not!” good luck and have fun!

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