What would you do if you made cheerleading?

Question by AlieGrace:): What would you do if you made cheerleading?
I am trying out for cheerleading and I think I will make it. What would be the first thing you would do if you made cheerleading???

Best answer:

Answer by marieeeโ„ข
i made cheerleading once – i was happy & then went on with my life. lol

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

9 thoughts on “What would you do if you made cheerleading?

  1. Jessica

    Well I was a varsity cheerleader in high school, I can’t really remember how I celebrated, I honestly think I just hung out with my family and we went to dinner and stuff, each time I made it. It was nice ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wow “K8lin” way to generalize there, I don’t think I’ve ever met a cheerleader who was a “stuck-up brat.” That’s just a stereotype because some people are like that but there are plenty of girls that aren’t cheerleaders who are as well. Most of the girls on my squad were genuine, caring, loving and friendly with everyone in the school. Don’t be ignorant.

  2. Ashley

    cheerleading is awesome. it is alot of fun and its really exciting when you get on the team. I know exactly how you feel because I made captain last year. My friends and I always just went out whenever we made it back on. Go out to eat or something. Do something you like to do. I’ve been in cheerleading for about 10 years now. Hope you have an awesome time. Good Luck.

  3. acharlesz

    If I made it on to the cheerleading team I would hide in my room and never tell a soul about it. I think my wife would fall over dead with laughter and poke fun at me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. cheerleader<3

    I’m not really girly but I screamed all high pitch and jumped up and down smiling!


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