what should i be a cheerleader or be in the marching band?

Question by Jenny: what should i be a cheerleader or be in the marching band?
i am going into middle school and i don’t know what 2 b. I want to be a cheerleader but i also want to be in the band!!!!!! what should i do .help :[

Best answer:

Answer by Mookie
Band, definitely. You actually might need that in the future and you get to brag about knowing how to play and instrument. Cheer-leading is… Well, none of my friends really… Respect or LIKE cheerleaders… But Good Luck With Whatever You Choose 🙂

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2 thoughts on “what should i be a cheerleader or be in the marching band?

  1. tbird

    MARCHING BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m the drum major of my school marching band, and joining was the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s sooo much fun. It opens you up to a ton of other opportunities, such as regional bands, jazz bands, and even the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which I did last year! Plus, being able to read music enhances your mathematical and logical comprehension.

  2. Grumbo

    You can do both. At my old high school we had at least 2 or 3 football players and cheerleaders every year, and what they would do is play or cheer during the games, then march the halftime show. They would of course perform at all the contests and everything. It’s just a matter of prioritizing. Make sure your cheer coach and band director come to an agreement on when they need you at which rehearsals. Obviously it would be too much to go to every rehearsal for both groups.

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